Wednesday 16th January 2019

Post date: 15-Jan-2019 17:43:13

With a forecast for rain later in the morning it was decided to keep the rides a bit shorter in order to get back before it got very wet.

Short Ride

John led Paul, Gill, Anne, Patrick, Jeff and Rob out past Mucklin Wood before setting the challenge of the climb up Swithland Road to Roecliffe Hall. Whilst the electric assist bikes zoomed off up the hills others resorted to their lowest gear, Shank's pony. However the riders were rewarded for their efforts with a zooming descent down the Cropston Rervoir with good views across the Soar Valley. The riders then proceeded along the reservoir dam to Rothley station and on into Mountsorrel using the new cyclpaths alongside Bier Way, a new road built to serve a new housing estate. The group arrived at the Old School Teahouse in Quorn as the rain clouds gathered. After excellent refreshments in very comfortable surrounding the riders headed out on the last leg for home to be caught be a rain squall along Terry Yardley Way. However warm homes were now quite close and soon reached.

Long Ride

As we gathered on a mild day for the off, the forecast of inclement weather prompted Howard to be kind to us with a comparatively short ride, i.e. <37 miles, just so long as it had plenty of hills. There were 9 of us – Howard, Terry, Pat,Tricia, Eric, Philip, Marcus, Brian, David. The incentive was the ambience of Ulverscroft Grange and the tea, coffee, cakes etc. that was on offer.

Well, skipping details of the ride there, we had much discussion about the price, quality, and speed of service of the various cafes that we frequent, and Philip was on his best behaviour after being berated last week by the Ivy-like tea lady for something to do with moving furniture. The ride to Ulverscroft Grange took us via Cross Hill Lane to the Fairmeadows estate and the bumpy track past 2 fine horses to Beaumanor. With a slight headwind, we took the road from Woodhouse, then skirting round Swithland Woods where Eric needed some help to dislodge a jammed chain. On resumption, we turned into Roecliffe Road to the far side of Bradgate Park. On exit at Newtown Linford, we then took the Markfield Road to Field Head, being lucky to negotiate the roundabout with surprisingly little traffic and Terry on point duty. On the Whitwick Road, with its vertical undulations and road works on the bridge, the running order was thrown into turmoil with Eric steaming past everyone on his way to take pole position at the down the hatches for the ride home. However, the worst of the rain was followed by gentle showers as we made our way via Priory Lane and Woodhouse Eaves, whence we took different directions. Some took the Breakback Road route which was quieter than expected, and many would have been home by 12:30.

Ride report by David. Thanks David.

Anne leading Gill, Jeff &amp; Rob
David, Phil, Eric, Terry, Brian, Tricia, Pat &amp; Marcus at Ulverscroft Grange Tea Rooms