Funeral of Keith Lakin

Post date: 22-Jan-2019 19:35:53

1.30pm Tuesday 12th February 2019

Keith Lakin who was riding with the Wednesday group a couple of years ago, before he suffered health problems, sadly died from a stroke on 28th January. Keith was a stalwart of Cycling UK and will be greatly missed. Please wear your club/cycling colours if you come to his funeral.

Keith joined CTC in 1960 and played an active role up until his death. He sat on the Leicestershire and Rutland committee for 32 years and is a past President. Keith was the Secretary of the Charnwood (North West Leicestershire) group for 28 years.

Keith represented the club at the National Forest meetings and could always be relied upon, being the first volunteer to assist in running events and marshalling. His President’s rides and others he organised, such as the TriVets and National Forest rides, were always well-researched and popular. In 2008 Keith received a national award as Volunteer of the Year for the East Midlands from the Cyclists' Touring Club

If you click on Keith's picture you can see some more photos relating to Keith's involvement with cycling. You can read about Keith's early involvement with the Club in "A Century and more of Cycling".