Wednesday 14th December 2016

Post date: 13-Dec-2016 13:58:19

It was a lovely day for December when Ray, Patrick, Lynn, Eric and John met at Outwoods Drive with mild temperatures, some sunshine and only a light wind. It was decided to risk the mud and ride out to Shepshed across Garendon Park. Unfortunately Patrick developed a front wheel puncture half way across. He decided it would be best to sort it out by himself and the other riders proceeded to Armstrong's Mill factory shop in Shepshed. Patrick arrived just after the other riders in the group had purchased their coffee and so was able to join them. After refreshment Ray decided to return home while the other riders headed out to Tickow Lane and then Charley Road gradually ascending to Beacon Hill from which there was a rapid descent into Woodhouse Eaves, returning to Loughborough past Mucklin Wood.

Eric, Patrick, Lynn and Ray on Garendon Park.