Wednesday 17th October 2018

Post date: 16-Oct-2018 08:20:28

A morning of mists a mellow fruitfulness saw the sun breaking through from time to time and another good turnout.

The longer ride led by Howard was the more popular leaving just John, Anne, Lawrie, Patrick, Paul and Gill to undertake the shorter ride to Bradgate Park. Taking the circuitous route using the cycle path around the South Loughborough development to Woodthorpe the riders then headed south through Quorn before taking a right up Wood Lane and past the working quarries to Rothley station. The group then headed south east to Cropston before heading north along Reservoir Road to the northern entrance of Bradgate Park. At this point the Park was fairly empty and rapid progress was made all the way through the Park to the Jade Cafe at the southern entrance where several pieces of their excellent cherry and apricot flapjack were consumed along with tea and coffee.

The sun was a little stronger when the riders headed for home and had certainly brought people out. The riders had to negotiate their way carefully through the many families enjoying the autumn sunshine and colours. Despite Gill's battery suddenly registering a fall off in power it was decided to taking the hillier return route via Roecliffe Manor (where Lawrie left us to head for Shepshed). The remaining riders turned right onto the rather lumpy Swithland Road to head back via Woodhouse. As Gill's battery wasn't inspiring confidence it was decided to risk the mud and return via Mucklin Wood. Patrick didn't fancy having to clean his bike and chose to return via Quorn.

The short longer ride report by Eric. It was a bright crisp October morning, a slight chill in the air but dry and sunny, perfect cycling weather. The long ride was determined, destination Low woods. Howard had his Garmin and decided he would lead and navigate himself given the catastrophe the previous week.

Off he went with Alan Anne Terry Dave Rob Eric and Llyn all in his wake. There was no mercy for those wishing to get easily into things as he went straight up Nanpantan past the cross roads and the Priory pub and past St Marys church and up a brutal hill beyond. Anne sailed past chattering to everyone with a little electrical assistance as everyone else sweated toiled and cursed under their breath. Terry stayed as back marker possibly because he has to put up with the whirr of the electric motor more often that the rest of us and may find the cheeriness of its rider a directly inverse feeling to his own screaming leg muscles.Sweat trickled from under Llyn’s natty England cricket sun hat as he kept him company.

A brief rest at the top of the hill and then off again turning right onto Charley Road, under the motor way and along until we turned left onto Oaks Road and up the hill past St James the greater Oaks in Charnwood and the tennis club. We did a left and right at the staggered junction and past the familiar haunt of St Joseph tea rooms and carried on past Mount St Bernard Abbey. This took us on through beautiful countryside up and down a few hills. Finally we turned right down Swannymote road. When we came to the A512 Ashby Road we turned left and shortly after that right heading to Belton on Forest Lane. once in Belton we doubled back on ourselves by doing a left left and left again on Ashby road Gracedieu road and finally Low woods lane. Cycling up that lane we came upon Low woods farm upholstery and cafe on the left. IN we marched and ordered much needed coffee and cake.

Once settled down Alan regaled us with his woeful tale of the previous week. .. abandoned by his fellow team members when, he rather foolhardily followed Phil on a dash off from the Peloton 5 miles in front only to find when he went back they had all disappeared and on returning to find Phil found he had gone AWOL also. Moral of the story .. stick with the wise old wizard out at the front with the Garmin and definitely never I repeat never follow Phil unless you want a long hard ride in the middle of nowhere on your own! After Alan’s tale Howard did a count up only to find he had lost someone AGAIN. Fortunately Dave was found sunning himself taking tea outside rather than listen to the inane rambling of his compatriots within.

On our return we came back through Belton and via Shepshed we then went through Garendon Park and the usual route by Coe road and through the University back to Outwoods drive and home in time for lunch. Great ride out on a beautiful day.

Paul leads Gill, Patrick, Lawrie and Anne at the southern end of Bradgate Park
Alan, Lyn, Eric, Rob, David, Gustavo, Terry and Anne at Low Woods Furnishings