Wednesday 20th December 2017

Post date: 14-Dec-2017 11:25:46

After last week's snow a mild and pleasant day saw Lyn, Ian, Terry, Brian, Pat, Graham, Marcus, John and Howard gathering at Outwoods Drive for a fairly short ride to Normanton on Soar as several riders needed to be back promptly. The group followed the Woodbrook Path into Loughborough, cutting through the Market Place (before 10am) to reach Meadow Lane. They then processed throught Stanton, up Leake Lane and on to Rempstone Road before heading towards West Leake, taking a rather circuitous route via Landcroft Lane before heading down Marle Pit Hill and south to refeshments at the volunteer run village shop in Normanton on Soar, where they were joined by Ray. Here the weather was so mild that the riders sat outside when partaking of their food and drink. Ian left them here to take a direct route back to his home in Belton. The remaining riders returned via Fox Hill to arrive back in Loughborough before noon.

Lyn, Terry, Brian and Howard topping Fox Hill