Wednesday 14th March 2018

Post date: 13-Mar-2018 08:33:52

A pleasant spring day saw Jeff, Phil, Rosalind, Tricia, Howard, Rob, Ian, Eric, David, Patrick, Lyn, John & Marcus riding out into the light east wind to the Race Hub Cafe at Six Hill via Barrow and Paudy Lane. The weather allow the riders to enjoy their refreshments "al fresco". Phil had to get back to Loughborough for noon and so made his own way back taking the direct route. The remaining riders took a more circuitous route back to Loughborough via Narrow Lane to Wymeswold and then onto Hoton before descending to Cotes and taking a right onto Stanford Lane. Unfortunately Patrick punctured at this point. Whilst Jeff and Howard remained to assist him, the remainder of the group headed back into Loughborough via Meadow Lane.

The group regathering in Wymeswold.