Wednesday 24th June 2020

Post date: 23-Jun-2020 06:47:59

Long Ride: report by Alan.

Trish (back only), Brian, Marcus, Pat and Howard. Eric in yellow in background outside Old Dalby.

On the hottest day of the year so far, the assembled throng were already perspiring like horses on Holt Drive. Maybe it was through nervous tension in trying to decide which ride to go on?Phil decisively took the reins and offered a 25 miler. I (Alan) offered a 35 miler which resulted in almost everyone who hadn't left with Phil staring fixedly at their shoes not daring to make eye contact. Eventually Trish, Brian, Howard , Marcus and Pat took up the challenge and followed me on a meandering (Howard like) trek through Loughborough heading towards the railway station.

First stop was Walton on the Wolds, via Cotes, and then on to a secret road ((Six Hills Road). After a few wobbles on a dirt track and a grassy field we emerged, much to Marcus's amazement, near the top of the much loved Paudy Lane. I was aiming to drive the posse hard and get around 24 miles under our belts before we had an extended stop for nutrition.

At the top of Paudy Lane we turned right onto Berrycotts Lane which in the past I had been informed is still Eric's favourite road. I could see why, as with the wind behind us, and a gentle slope downwards, we could literally fly down to Seagrave. The rest of the route before the food break was Thrussington >> Asfordby >> Saxelbye before stopping in the shade just outside of Old Dalby. The photo looks like we are a herd of cows quietly grazing on the grass. In fact I was tucking into salmon and cucumber sandwiches when a familiar voice was heard. Could it be? Yes it was!! Eric ! Turning up with whom I assume was a family member resplendent in skin tight lycra. What a small world!

We cycled on to Old Dalby and turning right, embarked on a brutal climb, the aptly named Longcliff Hill. By the time we reached the top our skin tones had changed from a healthy pink to a deep purple. I think that climb was enough for Pat, Marcus, Eric and family member who announced they were turning left whilst the purple arrow on my Garmin was insisting on a right turn which Brian, Trish, Howard and I dared not disobey. We all ended up in Wymeswold but at probably different times.

It must have been 29 degrees by now but thankfully with a gentle breeze behind us and the worst of the hills having been overcome we could leave Trish at Burton on the Wolds and the remaining 3 of us reached the outskirts of Loughborough by 1.00pm.

The heat of the day did make this ride a challenge but it was infinitely better than sitting at home watching box sets of racist sitcoms like Rising Damp ( 28 episodes and a feature length film) which has taken up much of my time these last 3 months.

Intermediate ride: report by Phil. (At 37 miles could also be a long ride)

Leaving earlier than the deadline so as not to cause palpitations to the residents, my sextet of Philip leader, Margaret , Rob, David ,John and Mick rode off towards the Beacon pub, passing Marcus en route. Already very warm, this heat would cause problems later. Cutting through the East side of the housing estate to the West of the A6004, we crossed over the roundabout in Shelthorpe and rode along the cycle way to the One Ash roundabout. Rejoining the road, we encountered signs in the cycle lane about blockages, but nothing else however more later. A recurrent theme of today's ride were the large number of LED traffic lights to enable roadworks. Down to Rothley we rode, turned left and then back North through the urban conurbation that is Sileby. Barrow next and the -On Soar villages via Fox Hill one of the few climbs of the day. A decent speed was sustained with the help of a tailwind. Up Marle Mit hill and I was pleased with a personal best before going through Kegworth to Oaklands. Observing social distancing, we sat down with drinks and snacks; not all had visited this venue. The good value was remarked upon. The option was given to return via Shepshed and Woodhouse rather than straight back via Hathern. The roller coaster to long Whatton was taken and then it was across to Shepshed. A kind taxi driver paused and allowed me to carry my momentum through to Wicklow lane where one of the sextet peeled off. We crossed the A512 at the windmill and then it all unravelled. Losing all energy, I stopped for an energy paste and water. This had no effect so at a second stop, Mick administerd a whole thermos of coffee, which worked. Thanks. Then it was across to Woodhouse and ski sunday down the hill. At Quorn, gosh they had been busy, and traffic lights were everywhere, with contraflow in operation and little men digging. Finally back to Loughborough. Thanks everyone. I have been running up the miles this week or dehydrated, or just ran low. Not sure. Philip.

Short Ride

Myles leading Mick, Wendy and Rob along Paudy Lane

After the longer rides had left John remained with Myles,Mick, Wendy, Rob and Lyn who had just come along to say hello to everyone before having to return home. Routes to either the Beacon or Six Hills were discussed and the decision was made to head upwind to Six Hills where the Race Hub was reputed to be providing refreshments. The group headed south to Barrow and then followed the Salt Way to Six Hills and the Race Hub which turned out to be very busy, particularly with swimmers on this hot day. We found Patrick and Laurie already there and queuing for coffee. As the area seemed quite crowded it was decided to head on to Wymesold and consume the refreshments riders had brought with them. After a short ride along Narrow Lane the groups dismounted outside the church in Wymeswold and consumed their victuals in the shade of a tree in the rather attractive grave yard. Returning via Hoton we once more came across Patrick and Laurie who had taken a different route back from Six Hills and were also returning to Loughborough via Stanford and Meadow Lane.