Wednesday 13th November 2019

Post date: 12-Nov-2019 09:37:46

This Wednesday provided a beautiful sunny (but cool) interlude between days of rain and saw another good turnout of 21 riders.

Short Ride

As there was a risk of floods in the Soar valley it was decided to head south and up into the lower heights of Charnwood Forest. Rosalind, John, Wendy, Rob, Robert, Marcus, Mick, Myles, Lyn, Dom and Patrick wended through the Shelthorpe estate an onto the A6 through Quorn and then ascended Wood Lane and past Mountsorrel Quarry before taking a right to Swithland. Here they turned left into Leicester Lane and found their way to the north entrance of Bradgate Park where a ranger had helpfully just opened the gate allowing the group to pass in without delay. Refreshments were take at the Deer Barn, with many deer being in evidence. The return journey took Reservoir Road across the dam (where the water passing out through the overflow channel could be heard) then rejoining the outward route as far as Swithland where a left turn was taken onto Main Street. The riders found the road blocked by road works at the entrance to Brand Lane but managed to negotiate the obstacle on the footpath. They then had an almost motor free ride to Woodhouse. From there they returned to Loughborough via Quorn, the track by Mucklin Wood being deemed too muddy.Intermediate Ride Report:

Keith and David joined Jeff for the intermediate ride to Thornton Reservoir and the Garden Centre Cafe for elevenses. They took the now familiar, tried and tested route out of Loughborough via Cross Hill, Broadway, Manor Road and Ling Road cycleway to Quorn. On leaving Quorn they turned right onto Wood Lane, climbing up past the quarry and onto Swithland Lane to Rothley Station. Here they turned right then next left onto Thurcaston Lane. Heading straight across Leicester Road in Thurcaston set them on a course for Anstey. However, before reaching the town centre they had this brilliant plan to dodge the general hubbub and traffic congestion of downtown Anstey by taking Link Road to Bradgate Road. However, this clever expedient had the drawback of being a scenic cut through a housing estate built upon a seemingly endless hill. Eventually they descended and emerged onto Bradgate Road, whence another fair old climb awaited them. At Newtown Linford they took Markfield Lane, uphill once again, to Fieldhead. Here they availed themselves of the pelican crossing to gain access to Launde Road, on the other side of the very busy A50. The next stretch of the route, along Thornton Lane, was considerably quieter, flatter and rather relaxing with the clear morning sunshine a welcome ‘added extra’ to the ride-experience package. All too soon they were upon Reservoir Road where they turned right and zipped down passed the reservoir to Thornton Nurseries. The blackboard advert for a £2.70 coffee and cake deal did not go unnoticed and they were soon tucking in. To follow the ensuing, riveting coffee time conversation a degree in chemistry or an equivalent qualification was recommended as, for some reason, the chatter was all about gas diffusion, stereochemistry, optically active molecules, asthma drugs and other exciting pharmaceutical products. It was midday before they set off on the return leg, towards Stanton under Bardon by way of Stanton Lane. Up through they village and over the A511 brought them to the B591 and Copt Oak. From here they simply continued straight, through Nanpantan, all the way to Loughborough, arriving at about 12.45pm. Total ride distance approx. 25 miles, 15 out and 10 back. (Sorry, forgot to take a photo.)

Rosalind leads Rob and Dom in Bradgate Park.
Clyde, Tricia, John, Mike, Phil, Brian and Howard outside Dove Cottage,

Long Ride report, by Phil and heavily redacted by Howard. Present, Phil, Mick, Brian, Trish, Clyde John and myself. On a gloriously sunny morning, the magnificent seven rode into Upper Broughton and then, rode out again! Destination, Dove Cottage, Day Hospice’s Tea Rooms. A copy of the route has been uploaded to the Routes page on this website so full details will not be repeated here, except say we covered over 45 miles and one decent hill. So I have the opportunity to vent some airy persiflage and indeed add artistic verisimilitude to an otherwise entirely uneventful but not uninteresting ride. Mick was present with his ex DDR spec. over mitts; I was delighted to see others who clearly were not scarred by the lurid and indeed outrageous revelations on our ride on Monday. Dove Cottage hoved into sight at coffee time, after some murmurings, we occupied two tables as it would have been difficult to accommodate us all around one. After coffee, we had the only significant climb of the day, (or so said wizard, Howard) the long, steep climb out of Stathern up Mill Hill. Crossing and recrossing the Nottinghamshire and Leicestershire county boundaries all morning, we arrived back at Paudy lane and we were allowed by the road construction team to go down as far as the lane that leads to Seagrave, which the short ride crew climbed last week. Trish peeled off at Quorn and in a novel move, we rode into the centre of Quorn before turning along the old A6 back to Loughborough. Thanks Howard for a great longer ride even if it was not the longest of long rides! (Phil.)