Wednesday 27th September 2017

Post date: 26-Sep-2017 07:52:51

Lynn, Eric, Pat, Howard, Rob, John, Patrick and a new ride Jeff gathered at Outwoods Drive on a rather overcast morning with a light south-east wind. It was decided to head out through Loughborough via Cotes, Hoton and Wymeswold to the Race Hub at Six Hills. Unfortunately early on in the ride Pat caught one of the bollards in the middle of the cycle path and came off cutting her face. Thankfully she was able to continue and after this the riders had a relatively smooth journey via Narrow Lane to coffee, where they were joined by Ray. Pat left the group after coffee as she was relatively close to home and the other riders returned along the Saltway to Barrow and then back to Loughborough.

Patrick, Eric, Lynn, Howard, Rob and Jeff