Wednesday 11th July 2018

Post date: 10-Jul-2018 10:49:43

Gustavo leads the group along West Leake Lane

A slightly fresher but very pleasant summer's day saw numbers above twelve and again it was decided to split into two groups. John, Clyde, Eric, Norman, Rob, Marcus, Gustavo, Stuart (a new rider) and Patrick headed north wending their way through the cycle lanes of Loughborough to take the canal path to Meadow Lane. Unfortunately Patrick got caught by a mooring rope across the tow path (which is also an official Loughborough cycle route) and came off. Fortunately speed was low and little damage caused so he was able to resume the ride. The group headed out along the east bank of the Soar through Stanton, Normanton, Sutton Bonnington and Kingston before turning south towards West Leake and then to East Leake where they were joined by Ray. Eric headed for home directly as he had an afternoon appointment while the remaining riders enjoyed a repast at the Chefs Cafe. The riders returned via Travell's Hill to Loughborough just before noon.

The longer ride ride report: On yet another warm sunny morning, large numbers of us gathered at the usual roundabout. A choice was presented of a shorter ride and a longer ride. Unlike last week, when most opted for the longer ride, this time only four of us were prepared for the longer ride. I say “prepared” because Howard set off quickly and if lazy summer reactions were a little slow, you were on the shorter ride.

Howard was joined by Jeff, Terry and David for the ride to Staunton Harold. The ride took us in a loop through Belton, passing the dormant village of Osgathorpe, at speed down Bull Hill through Worthington then puffing up Long Hedge Lane to cries of “are we there yet?”. The final bumpy track led to a field of cattle (with bull) thence to the glorious sight of the house, church, portico, sweeping grassy mounds and lakes of our destination (Staunton Harold Hall). So here was our main photo stop.

Although there had been talk of setting some sort of precedent with the number of stops at tea shops, there being many eligible candidates en route, discipline prevailed and the peaceful quad at Staunton Stables Tea Room won the day. This was one of the classier tea stops in our repertoire. On the return journey a couple of women asked if the field of cattle was safe, and we said “yes” but took a different route. This started with one of the steeper climbs, but thereafter had many long downhill runs.

I am sure we were quicker on the return ride with Jeff leading the pack, and statistics from onboard devices may confirm that. Returning via Breedon, Diseworth and Long Whatton, the intrepid quartet made it back to Loughborough ahead of the estimated time reaching the Warwick Way end off Epinal Way by about 12:30p.m.

David, Terry and Jeff at Staunton Harold Hall

Addendum: Stats. Total elapsed time about 3hours and moving time of 2 hours 20. averaging about 11 m.p.h. Checking the figs. post ride we were averaging 10 mph to the coffee stop, however on the return we averaged 11.5 mph. Many thanks to David for the ride report.