Wednesday 25th March 2020

Post date: 17-Mar-2020 16:56:55

Various Ride reports from those L.W.C. (Loughborough Wednesday Cyclists) out on their bikes today. Note most of the following has been gleaned from the L.W.C. WhatsApp group and Strava, all italics are my additional notes. Firstly we have from Eric,

Eric's short medium slow ride report:

We met at an unfamiliar hour and venue mainly because the leader was too idle to get out of bed. So it was gone 10am when we set out from Cossington Road Sileby.

The leader was chosen by himself but quite why we weren’t sure because there have been some gross failures in this regard before. Eric is slow indecisive and has rash moments of folly that are difficult for those accompanying him. He is a weazy asthmatic and given that coughing is more socially unacceptable than breaking wind these days therefore it was with hesitancy that we went at all!

He had planned to set of up Seagrave road and so up Berrycote lane but he turned right instead of left and we ended up heading out of Cossington up Humble lane as an alternative .. talk about the blind being lead by the imbecilic!

So off we went, with Eric leading himself through Ratcliffe and Thrussington and on to Hoby. Just outside Hoby we took our first break. Not the usual salubrious surroundings of a well stocked coffee shop with tea and buns aplenty... oh no this fella had us sat in a gateway looking at sheep drinking insipid watered down apple juice!

Off we went again to Asfordby, with no sign of the deep flood waters that had so blighted this area only a few weeks ago. Turning left we went through the village and up Asfordby Hill. There was a longing to turn right at the top and visit The Alpine restaurant for a giant scone with lashings of jam and cream, but no we live in strange times and watery apple juice is the only comestible available. So instead we turned left along Welby Road. We stopped in a lay-by full of rubble for a comfort break.

We continued on until we arrived at a T junction and did a sharp right and left down what looked to be a dead end. However as the road went left to Welby grange we took a small track ahead, past a gate that shut it off to vehicular access. Down this track we went and emerged at the A606 Melton to Nottingham road. Here we did a sharp left and right this time and went along a lovely little lane. At the end we turned left to another beautiful lane.

This took us down hill, into the charming village of Holwell which was basking in the sunshine of this gorgeous Mid March morning. We climbed up the hill out of the village and took the right fork. This led up to the Landyke lane where we turned left. We knew that now this was a long straight section all the way to six hills.

So we pushed along again back over the A606 then past the Wartnaby, Saxelbye and Grimston turns until we eventually crossed the A6006 and down to the Six hills junction. Onto Paudys lane we then finally turned left onto Berrycote lane which is where we were supposed to have come up in the first place. Thi idiot had led us around the route backwards!

A swift descent led us to Seagrave where we turned right up the hill then left to Sileby passing the eerily deserted massive building site at the top of the hill. By the time we arrived back the dissent in the ranks had dropped to a low rumble as it was realised that whilst there was poor planning, bad preparation, little direction and shocking leadership, in the end we had all thoroughly enjoyed the ride in spite of the company.

We had ridden 25.83 miles climbed 1025 ft at an average speed of 12.3 mph and burnt 783 calories, and yet there was not a bit of cake as a reward ... the mans a clown!

And now Robert; 'good to see you back riding Robert'.

Robert's Solo Cyclist report, from Groby to Newtown Linford, Cropston, past Bradgate Park, up Warren Hill (oh joy); nearly crashed into the road works adjacent to Hunts Hill car park, as I just got my water bottle out when I came upon them, so fumbling to put it away & braked whilst keeping upright. Up Markfield Lane, along Bothceston Road, Desford, Ratby & home.

Interesting that. Police Pickup Van was patrolling the area, passed me 3 times, then had stopped a Lady in Ratby walking with her 2 big sons & dog, telling of the restriction of only 2 people out close together. The new Law in action!! Used my road bike, and have fitted a new rear 11-40 cassette & dropper from Spa Cycles of Harrogate, worked well for an old bloke's legs & lungs, fiddly to fit, but worth the effort for me, Warren Hill will never be the same again.

Derek's ride report:

I left my daily exercise to this afternoon, stuck to the canal network as it's still a novelty to me. Having sold the electric fat bike, as it was making me lazy, and still without a road bike, mountain bike it was to be. I headed down to The Boat Inn, to pick up the tow path followed it down to the canal basin then a right heading towards Bishop Meadow Lock . Did a bit of 'off roading' until disaster struck and I got a puncture in rear wheel. Like all good cyclist I had a spare tube and pump with me but I decided to leave the thorn in place and pump the tyre up and head home where it can be fixed easier. I Only had to stop once more to re-inflate it. I made it home where I treated myself to a pint of cycling beer in the late afternoon sun.

Phil, having noticed that he wasn't tied to a social ride and was on his own, decided to go for P.B.s (personal bests) wherever he could.I think he got 3 in total.

Phil's medium ride report: Today's CLM (Individuel) posted on Strava followed the usual route out to Quorn, then Barrow, Sileby and Cossington. Expecting at any time to encounter memsahib. It was glorious to see so many builders all hard at work. Into the teeth of the wind rode the itt rider with no PB's on the outward. Every temporary light was red and slowed progress. From Rothley the pace accelerated and PBs were achieved all the way back into Loughborough. Coffee was taken with cake at Hamson Towers listening to popmaster. No sign of Rosalind until I got back. (and no I don't know what CLM or itt rider means either).

Addendum; CLM individuel not al, contre la Montre a or against the clock or time trial ( in French) individual. As against clm par equipe. Team time trial ITT individual time trial. (Now you know)

Rosalind's Short ride report - completely on my own - Barrow, Sileby, Cossington, A6 home (Philip set off 10 minutes later, but didn't quite catch me this time! 😁.) Very nice coffee stop with homemade banana loaf and seats in the garden. Missed you all. . First back has to make the coffee/tea. Practically though, it is in this case, if I need help with a puncture. In theory, if I set off first, Philip would spot me and could help me sort it! (Good idea?!), I think it's an excellent idea.

All photos will be placed in the gallery.

John's short ride - A beautiful early spring morning saw me in shorts and heading out past Mucklin Wood. Then it was turn right at Beaumanor and up the Beacon with only two cars passing me on the whole ascent. The Car Park at the top was blocked to cars but open to pedestrians and cyclists, although the toilets were locked. Spotted a couple of walkers up the top and was passed by a couple on All Terrain bikes following the track. It was then a descent to the cross road and left down Benscliffe Road and then a right up the "Widow Maker" (Priory Lane) followed by a rapid descent to Ulverscroft Lane that was followed to Newtown Linford. While the Bradgate Park Car Park, Toilets and Cafes were all shut, the right of way was still open and I enjoyed an almost solitary ride through the park on a superb morning with deer running across the path in front, much closer than normal. I shared the Park with 4 pedestrians and 2 cyclists. It was then home again through Swithland and past Mucklin Wood in time for lunch (followed by mowing the lawn). A lovely ride, but would have been nice to do it in company.

Graham's Ride report: Despite the beautiful weather, there were only 2 of us on my ride this week; myself accompanied by new rider Jane, leaving from Woodhouse Eaves rather from Lufbra. Initial progress was slow; Jane, being unfamiliar with LWC etiquette, insisted on stopping every few meters to engage in socially distant intercourse with every man, woman and their dog in the village. Finally, we broke free, heading to old Woodhouse and then via Mucklin wood to Loughborough. Jane again breached etiquette by sprinting ahead at a pace that would have left Phil for dead, final slowing to allow me to catch up by the university.

From there we headed out along the nicely drying Garendon track, through Shepshed and along route 6 to Belton, pausing briefly to admire some particularly spectacular fly tipping.

At Belton your leader faced a choice: the high road south towards Mt St Bernard and over the forest; or the low road east, towards Hathern. Thinking about the capabilities of my squad, I opted for the low road, so we headed for Long Whatton, where we were pleasantly surprised, nay amazed, to find Long Whatton Stores open and serving takeaway food and drink. Note: cash only though.

Unable to resist the temptation, we paused for bacon cobs and coffees, before continuing homewards via Hathern, Normanton and Stanford. Then through Loughborough along the canal and back home, where we went our separate ways; Jane to the kitchen to make a cup of tea, and me to the garden, for an afternoon communing with my collection of weeds and mosses.

Total distance 42.5Km or 27miles

Robert Stephens's Ride report: Since the weather was so nice I decided to use my lighter bike which i had not ridden since changing the cassette from 12-25 to 11-28. This proved to be much easier on the hills in this route.

Hathern, Long Watton, Diseworth, Up onto the A453 close the Airport never seen this Road so Quiet. On to Breedon, Continued towards Ashby until just Before Staunton Harold turn. Went left across to B5324 passed the Gelsmoor Pub. Back via Griffydam and Belton. ALL the cars that passed gave me a nice wide space.Very Quiet

Saw a possible group of cyclists, 3 riders 200m apart?? No police vans not many cars

19 miles, one and a half hours. Strava decided to split the ride, not sure why, possibly finger trouble. (You can always stitch the rides back together, search Strava Merge or combine activities, but it's a bit late now.)

Group rides will be cancelled f.t.b. as advised by both British Cycling and Cycling UK. However to quote Cycling UK :-

"This doesn't mean you shouldn't go out riding at all. Quite the opposite, Cycling during this stressful time is a great way to maintain your physical health and mental wellbeing, as well as being an alternative to using public transport and so minimising further contact with crowds. If you are cycling outside, just remember to follow advice and stay at least two metres away from other people"

For more info. you can go to .