Wednesday 10th January 2018

Post date: 02-Jan-2018 18:21:47

The forecast had changed since Tuesday morning with the rain front having moved slower than anticipated. This meant that Lyn, Terry, Brian, Howard, Jeff, Patrick, Mike, John and Eric found themselves cycling to the start in light rain. However as the group set off the rain stopped, although the sky remained overcast as they headed out through the University toward Shepshed. In Shepshed the riders took Anson Road onto Tickow Lane and then climbed into the Forest up Charley Road. Unfortunately Lyn had a puncture and although he managed to patch this, decided that discretion was the better part of valour and headed home. Repast was taken at the Monastery Tea Rooms and by the time the riders emerged the sun was out and visibility had improved. A very pleasant ride home followed along Charley Road, over the Beacon and back through Quorn.

Jeff, Eric, Mike, Howard, Brian, Patrick and Terry outside of the Monastery Tea Rooms.