Wednesday 22nd August 2018

Post date: 21-Aug-2018 07:33:07

What started as a rather overcast morning turned into a perfect day for cycling. Sixteen riders met at Outwoods Drive with John deciding that the best course was to split into 2 groups. A long and a short ride were agreed on and Derek jumped into leading the "long" ride. The years that Howard has been trainee assistant deputy leader under John's watchful tutelage, seem to have counted for naught as Derek usurped his position faster than Michael Gove in a Boris Johnston leadership campaign. Off he raced before anyone could complain followed by the usual crew looking for milage in the legs, Howard, Clyde, Rob, Tricia, Eric, Graham, Marcus, Llyn and also Michael.

Meanwhile David, Phil, Rosalind, Patrick, John and Lawrie set out on a shorter ride across Garendon Park, by passing Shepshed to Belton. A slightly longer ride to Breedon was chosen and the rider paused for a photograph at the lockup in Breedon. They then took a right into Breedon Lane towards Beth's tea room where the riders were joined by Ray Clay. The usual excellent repast was enjoyed by the riders, although David seemed more interested in the potential for playing golf. The group then returned via Diseworth and Hathern.

For the longer ride it became evident later why Derek was so keen to lead. Michael is his son, back after 9 months in Mexico. Derek was keen to impress upon the youngster what a fine fit fellow his father was and such a leader of men (and woman). To this end he had sabotaged the poor lads bike giving him one with a saddle that he had perhaps had adjusted when he was 13. As Michael is a ships captain by trade Derek had also thoughtfully given him a wobbly wheel to make him feel at home as if on the deck of his rolling ship!

Up the A6 we went, then through Barrow on Soar, and out via Melton Road and Paudy lane. At the top we turned right down, Big Lane to Seagrave. Through Seagrave we went and climbed the hill up to the A46 Dual carriageway. Crossing that proved an elaborate game of Chicken with Eric, freshly back from 4 weeks of holidaying proved biggest chicken of all. After the 3 mile gap in traffic that he required to get across the group continued the long decent into Thrussington. The Wreake was crossed and on into Rearsby and our destination, Beardsleys tea room on the main road.

It turned out that the owner Holly was a friend of Michael and she had reserved seating outside for us and proceeded to wait upon us. Tea and Coffee and cakes and scones arrived at regular intervals and all the riders took their fill. This was a lovely venue and I think a first for many and a beautiful rest stop it was too... highly recommended! Holly was a delight and unsurprisingly Michael decided to stay behind to help her with cake quality control.

Derek having misled everyone into thinking he was taking them on a long ride and not knowing any other way asked Eric (the local .. or yokal at least) to find a path home. Down the main street and turning right past East Goscote the riders crossed the level crossing and down past Beadles lake golf course on Broome lane. Up a sharp hill,Tricia showed off her climbing skills recently honed on the mountains of Scotland and Cornwall as she traversed the country from lands End to John O Groats. Under the A46 we climbed another hill up Ratcliffe road towards Sileby. At the the top we turned left taking the pretty descent down Humble lane into Cossington. Right down Bennetts lane and Right again onto the main road the group cycled back down the valley through Sileby, Mountsorrel, Quorn and home to Loughborough.

Now that Michael has shown that he is sensibly more interested in eating cake with nice young ladies than watching his old dad show off, we will hopefully be led by Howard next week. That way we will get a decent long ride albeit, sadly with an infinitely more boring pit stop!

David, Phil, Rosalind, Patrick and Lawrie outside the lockup in Worthington.
Eric, Tricia, Howard, Graham, Marcus, Rob, Clyde, Derek, Lyn and Mike preparing to eat cake in Rearsby.