Wednesday 16th September 2020

Post date: 15-Sep-2020 09:44:19

Short ride: Report by Eric

The short ride left Holt Drive with Eric Leading. He was followed by Clyde, Wendy, Jeanette, Patrick C and Ray. Ray had some initial problems getting his electric Gtech bike on the move but once up and running he was running smoothly along with the others.

Up Beacon Road and left down Cross Hill they crossed Park Road and through the estate and headed to Mucklin wood. As they emerged by Beaumanor hall they turned right in Woodhouse then left down Brand Lane. Through Swithland and down the Riding’s soon they were opposite the Christmas dinner venue of Rothley court. Turning left they came into Rothley and proceeded to what everyone still knows as “The Red Lion Crossroads” (now Miller and Carter) and straight over there. Then under the A46 and proceed just past Platts Lane where they turned into the resting place of Goscote nurseries.

There was quite a queue of socially distanced customer before teas and coffees, cakes and buns were secured. However Once supplied they sat out in the garden and discussed weighty matters of state, prior to hauling themselves back onto bikes.

The homeward route went back through Sileby, Barrow and Cotes. The group broke up around Nottingham road going separate ways and Eric delivered Jeanette back to Holt Drive by a series of scenic highways and byways of Loughborough.

Intermediate ride: Report by Keith With groups limited to six again we were one short as the clock ticked round to 9.30. So leader David, Pat, John, Myles and Keith were about to set off when a new rider arrived from Georgia, Atlanta! Emelia has just arrived at the Uni for a Masters, and massively reduced the average age of the group. The route was an anti-clockwise loop to Bradmore Garden Centre, so we went out through Barrow, Burton-on-the-Wolds, Wymeswold and Wysall. It was pleasant cycling although with a bit of a headwind, but of course that meant the post-coffee section would be even nicer. We all had a vibro-massage as we whizzed down the rough surface of Windmill Hill, and to Bradmore. Pat could not find her padlock key at Bradmore, but there was plenty of other cable to go round. The café there offers 10% discount to cyclists, so whilst some were revelling in cheap refreshment (coffee and scone and jam - £4.01), others on checking their receipt discovered that they obviously did not look like real cyclists! The route back was modified to reduce the time on the A60, so we started to retrace our path towards the small lane into the south of Bunny. However about a mile out we were accosted by a car from behind tooting its horn and waving out of the window. “Have you lost some keys?”, said the couple. Yes, they were Pat’s errant padlock keys, the clue for them being the bicycle key fob. We thanked them profusely as they had gone out of their way just to catch us, and clapped them as they returned whence they had come. So encouraged by this act of kindness and the following wind we headed back through East Leake, (where Pat peeled off for home) and Stanford, parting our various ways at Meadow Lane. A very enjoyable ride of about 26 miles.

Long Ride: report by Robert.

On a sunny morning the long ride set of first having already reached the magic 6 in number. Howard, Bryan, Tricia, Margaret, Mick and Robert set out from Holt drive on a 40 mile ride to Eye Kettleby Lakes. We started with Howard's usual route southwards from Holt drive to Quorn. At a Leisurely pace we proceeded to Sileby, Passing under the A6 bypass. On to Ratcliffe on the Wreake passing under the A46 on undulating roads. Rearsby, across the A607 on to Gaddesby, Great Dalby then heading North to our tea junction at Eye Kettleby, lakes (a popular destination for anglers). After, Toasted Teacakes, Cake, Coffee and Tea, we went along a track with a freshly cut hedge on

both sides. As we skirted round Melton, Howard desired to see where the Hill top farm cafe near Welby was. As we passed by the entrance 3 other cyclists were leaving. They reported that service was slow but refreshments were good. We continued along St Bartholomew's way on to Wartnaby, passing by "Nice pie". With the wind behind us speed increased towards Six Hills. Under the A6006, Passing the "Race Hub". At Six hills Tricia went towards Barrow as the rest of us headed towards Cotes via Burton. Before we got to Cotes Mick left us. At Cotes we split up with Bryan and Howard proceeding via Normanton to Home and Margaret and I heading into Loughborough past the Station and Home. During the last second part of the ride it became cloudy but it did not rain. Over 40 miles and more than 550 metres of ascent.

Another Long Ride: (As no room left in the first long ride) report by Alan

Despite appearing at Holt Drive dressed in a flamingo pink top, I (Alan) still could not catch the eye of any additional would-be long milers. Only Marcus took up the challenge of a trek out to Harby and it was only the lure of a delicious flapjack at the T-Junction that prompted him to join me. The brief version of the ride report is therefore ... “went to Harby and then came back”. No dramas took place like scary cows in fields or arguments with BMW drivers this week. I have summarised the main points below and have included some meaningless stats for those of a Strava persuasion.

Good points: No rain, quite a strong tail wind on the return leg, last two flapjacks at the T-Junction were still for sale, excellent company from Marcus as usual.

Bad points: Seemed to hit every red light on the exit from Loughborough. Forgot to take a photo again!

Stats: Cycling time = 2hrs 56 mins, Distance = 42.09 miles, Average speed = 14.3 mph, Max speed 31.7 mph, Average height gained = 1244 feet