Wednesday 29th November 2017

Post date: 28-Nov-2017 19:13:44

(Report by Eric.) In the absence of John Catt his young apprentice Howard led the A team,.... well ... a team at least, in fact the only team, North into the teeth of a biting cold wind. Hard on his heels ... wheels .. was Derek, Pat, Patrick, Jeff, Lyn, Phil, Eric, John II, and our latest victim, Mick.We went out through the frozen wastelands of Garendon Park, over the motorway and into Shepshed. Coming out of Shepsed on Hallamford road we went over Blackbrook and turned left onto the lane to Belton. Into Belton and turning left at the Church we crossed Ashby Road and travelled down Grace Dieu road and Low Woods Lane to Low Woods Farm for a well deserved coffee break on a cold day.Whilst Lyn looked round the soft furnishings there was a decision made on the Christmas dinner for the group to attend Rothley Court. The heated debate that preceded the unanimous vote, centered not around the slop they may serve up but the bargain price of £8.99 for three courses of something, and ...was the ale in there any good? Following that discussion, was a more puzzling converse about setting up a WhatsApp group. It was doubted if WhatsApp is available on Patrick's abacus or on Howard's carrier pigeon. Phil asked if he could obtain it on any fruit other than an apple. Those not already registered to attend the dinner contact Derek and those interested in WhatsApp contact Eric, who will conduct a tutorial next week to the tunes of Dizzy Rascal and Stormsy.

We returned via the way we came as it was decided not to dice with death an the A512, although a couple chose Ashby Road to Hathern to save skinny tyres on a rutted park track. With coffee in the belly and wind on the back the journey home was considerably easier.

Thanks Eric, now how do I get the picture of my phone and onto my laptop? O.K. now I've figured it...Howard.