Wednesday 17th July 2019

Post date: 16-Jul-2019 07:21:39

A beautiful summer's day saw a turnout that wasn't quite as high as we had been experiencing, the holiday season is upon us. Most of the riders opted for the short ride.

Derek leading Ken, Ray and Patrick up the hill to the church in Oaks in Charnwood.

Short RideAs several of the riders wanted to get back promptly It was decided to head out across Garendon Park and round the back of Shepshed onto Tickow Lane and Charley Road to the Monastery Tea Rooms. Refreshments were taken in a leisurely fashion outside in the sun and somewhat reluctantly the riders rose to return home. Ray, Paul and Gill decided to take the direct route home through Nanpantan while the remaining riders headed towards Beacon Hill, but decided to take a right onto the B5330 (to avoid the resurfacing gravel on Beacon Road) and descended down Maplewell Road into Woodhouse Eaves.

Unfortunately while descending, a van pulled out immediately in from of Derek, who could not avoid a collision. He sustained arm and neck injuries. Thankfully Marcus was in the group and the ambulance and police were quickly called and he was taken to Queens Medical Centre in Nottingham where he was detained over night. Fortunately no bones were broken although Derek remained in a lot of pain. He has returned home and we hope that he will recover quickly.

Longer ride, ride report:

Today with a number of people being on holiday reduced our group size to three only; including myself.

The three of us Rob, Pat and me left Loughborough via the usual route to Barrow, here we went uphill along Paudy Lane before turning off to go through Seagrave and crossing the A46 en route to Thrussington. Here I did little twiddle round the green and a similar illogical out and back in Rearsby, (Garmin not given the right information, by me). Back on course it was out through Gaddesby, Ashby Folville, and it was here we crossed Gaddesby Brook in Twyford before going up the final significant hill to our destination Holland's Nurseries tea stop.

Coming back; my original intention was to go through Ratcliffe on the Wreake to Sileby. After a discussion, which you can do when there's only three of you, we thought we'd drop down to Syston and find a route through, to pick up the cycle track alongside Barkby Brook, the River Wreake and canal back to Cossington and Sileby. After a couple of detours in Syston we found the Brook Side cafe and failing to stop for more refreshment we followed a well known route back to Loughborough. In total the route was fairly

long, and Pat with her ride in and ride back to Wymeswold + a little extra loop nicely rounded out to 75 Km for the rest of us, that's Rob and myself in case you forgot, we completed a more sedate 62km. And those of you who prefer miles that's nearly 40.