Wednesday 25th July 2012

Post date: 17-Jul-2012 16:38:05

A perfect July morning greeted the riders (the third such July day this year and it was only the 25th) when they gathered. Ray and John were joined by Stuart accompanied by his two daughters, the younger being on the back of a childback tandem.

It was decided that it would be a good morning to visit the boat yard at Barrow and the riders set out past Mucklin Wood to Beaumanor. Ray's machine developed a nasty creak that was eventually attributed to loose cones in the bottom bracket. An ailment not unknown to senior cyclists, although Bradley Wiggins seems to have avoided it. The performance of the Sky team was discussed as the group made its way through Quorn to Barrow via the footbridge across the by-pass.

After refreshments Ray decided to take the direct route back to Loughborough as he wanted to have his bottom bracket sorted out. The remainder of the group followed the east bank of the Soar to Stanford on Soar where Stuart and his daughters continued on north for home.

A very pleasant ride with everyone home in time for lunch.