Wednesday 17th January 2018

Post date: 16-Jan-2018 18:01:56

Terry, Brian, Lyn, Clyde, Marcus and Jeff.

It was with some trepidation seven of us set out. The planned route to Low Woods furnishings cafe, meant that freezing wind would be against us all the way there and we'd have occasional patchy black ice to contend with. At least the sun would not be in our eyes, (it could have been worse). We briefly considered the alternatives, going home, nip into town have a coffee and go home. Ultimately there was no choice; the planned route it would be. After a brief safety talk, "don't brake on the ice," (don't brake at all, it scrubs all your speed off). And after few more words of wisdom from all and sundry (Was he there?) we set off. Avoiding ice meant being on the road, avoiding traffic meant being on the ice. Where we could we went down the back roads and jittys to get to the A6, then turning off to go through Long Whatton and Diseworth. A compulsory photo stop in Diseworth before turning left off the The Green to head towards Belton. At the Gelscoe Lane T junction we stopped Jeff, Clyde and myself turned right along the lane to gives us extra miles (don't ask why), whilst Terry guided the others through Belton and on to the coffee stop. Though Lyn sneaked off through the woods, later we learnt, (and after sending out a search party, thanks Clyde and Terry) to visit a friend in Worthington. Over coffee after discussing the routes of the now disused Charnwood forest canal and the railway, we needed inspiration for the return journey. ‘When the going gets tough, the tough get going’, ‘Remember that guy that gave up? Neither does anyone else.’ We were talking along this theme when we were reminded by one of us that he had an appointment with the hairdresser. He then quickly left and headed off down the A512 back to town . It was thus that only five of us set off for the last stretch. Now with the wind behind us we went along bike route 6 to Shepshed, (via Belton) through Garendon Park and home to Loughborough. I thinks we all enjoyed a good morning out, till next week.

The intrepid seven: Terry, Clyde, Jeff, Lyn, Brian, Marcus, and Howard