Wednesday 25th January 2017

Post date: 24-Jan-2017 08:23:34

The roads were icy (many no longer being salted to save money) when Terry, Lynn, Graham, Patrick, Clyde, Eric and John set out on a bitter cold January morning. The initial objective was Stonehurst Farm for an early tea. However the riders ran into freezing fog along Epinal Way and, working on the basis that the sun was forecast to break through later in the morning and temperatures rise, the peleton took shelter in od'thorpe's cafe in Quorn. The riders warmed up with hot drinks and a variety of foods before venturing out again as the sun put in an appearance. Terry had a slow puncture and decided to head for home. The remaining riders then headed south to Rothley, returning to Loughborough via Swithland, Woodhouse and Quorn for an early lunch.

Clyde and Lynn heading home along Brand Lane