Hazelnut Pesto Pasta

Modified from Pasta cookbook

2 garlic cloves, crushed

1 cup fresh basil leaves

1/4 cup hazelnuts

1 cup cream cheese

8 oz pasta (dried) [recipe called for tagliatelle, but I can't find that in Grand Forks, so I just used linguine, I would recommend whatever you want here]

Salt and Pepper

Place the garlic, basil, hazelnuts and cheese in blender or food processor and process to form a thick paste. (This is not as easy as the book makes it sound...next time I'm doing this in stages and I still might end up hand mixing in the cheese which is what I had to do this time). Cook pasta in boiling salted water according to directions on box and then drain well. Spoon sauce into hot pasta, tossing until melted. Sprinkle with pepper to taste and serve hot. (This wasn't really hot enough for me and it cooled really quickly, I think I'm going to heat my sauce a little bit before mixing next time).