Kool-Aid Cookies

Modified from Apple Turnover Murder

1 pkg (.16 oz) Kool-Aid powdered (don’t get the stuff with sugar in it) [I wanted raspberry and couldn’t find it in the stores, so I used Crystal Light…I used like 3 of the “to go” individual packets…didn’t feel like you had quite enough raspberry flavor, but it was very pink and it was a good light sugar cookie).

1 2/3 cups white sugar

1 ¼ butter, softened

2 eggs, beaten

½ tsp salt

1 tsp baking soda

3 cups flour


Preheat to 325.

Mix Kool-Aid and sugar. Add softened butter and mix until nice and fully. Add eggs and mix well. Mix in salt and baking soda until well incorporated.

Add the flour in parts, mixing after each addition.

Roll dough into balls and then roll in sugar. Put on cookie sheet and bake for 10-12 minutes. This took me longer, but I make big cookies…just have to make sure are done.