Guilt-Free Parfait

Modified from Cream Puff Murder by Joanne Fluke

1 small box (0.3 oz) sugar-free lemon Jell-O

1 small box (0.3 oz) sugar-free lime Jell-O

1 small box (0.3 oz) sugar-free raspberry Jell-O

1 cup boiling water for each package of Jell-O (so 3 cups total)

1 cup cold diet ginger ale (I used Canada Dry)

1 cup cold diet lemon-lime soda (I used diet 7-Up)

1 cup cold soda water (I used seltzer)

***You can use any flavors you want and mix up diet soda based on those, but since you are layering, contrasting colors do help.

***They recommend canned soda as it is fizzier, but I didn't use it as that's not what I found easily.

Get six small parfait glasses (or bell wine glasses....I didn't have either so I used small Mason jars).

Boil one cup of water for bottom layer. Pour into small bowl and add lemon Jell-O. Stir until dissolved. Then cool in fridge for about 10 minutes....time this as you do NOT want it to set yet, just to cool off a bit. Open cold died ginger ale and add 1 cup of it to cooled Jell-O. Stir in gently as you don't want to break down the bubbles. Pour into bottom of six glasses. Refrigerate until the bottom layer is set. They say about an hour, it took me about 2 hours.

***Rinse our your dishes and you can re-use as you have two more layers to go!

Once the first layer is set, it's time to make the middle layer. Pour another cup of boiling water into your bowl and add the lime Jell-O. Stir until dissolved. Let cool for 10 minutes then open a can of icy cold died lemon-lime soda and measure out 1 cup and add to cooled Jell-O. Stir gently and then pour into parfait glasses. Put in fridge to set.

Once middle layer is set, boil the last cup of water and add raspberry Jell-O and stir until dissolved. Let cool then add 1 cup of cold seltzer water. Stir in gently then add to parfait glasses. Refrigerate until set.

Once set, cover with plastic wrap until ready to serve. Add fresh raspberries to top. You can also add a different small piece of fruit as well.

Makes 6 servings.