Pizza Cups

Modified from Pampered Chef

3 whole wheat tortillas, cut into fourths (they said brown idea what that is)

12 small spoonful's of pizza sauce (really you don't need a ton)

handful of pepperoni, chopped up (or cooked sausage or veggies)

handful of Italian cheese (or just mozzarella)

Preheat to 325. Use a brownie pan and put tortilla in each well (so you should be taking 12 at a time). Then put a little sauce on each piece. Then put whatever topping you want on each. I've done chopped up pepperoni (entire pieces of pepperoni are too greasy in my opinion), cooked Italian sausage, as well as onion/red pepper. Whatever you like on pizza, just don't put too much on it as each should be a bit or two only. Put a pinch of cheese on top of each.

Cook for about 8 minutes or until tortilla is as crispy as you want.