

提出、8月21日(水)、201316:12 更新は2013年8月21日20:56 著者 マークHosenballとTABASSUMザカリア


ワシントン 発- 水曜日にリリースされた文書によると、国家安全保障局は、業務計画の中で意図的でなく2008〜2011年の間で56,000/年間もの多くのアメリカ人のメールを収集している可能性があり 秘密の米国裁判所はその後、米国の法律と憲法に違反している可能性が言う。

かつて機密の文書は、米国の諜報機関によって 旧契約人のエドワードスノーデンによる秘密の政府監視プログラムの一部の情報公開に続く騒動を収めるため、前例のないホワイトハウスの取り組みの一環として公開された。




具体的には、ベイツは、裁判所が電子メールの数万人の不適切な収集で "いくつかの点で、法定と憲法の立場から過った。"プロセスがあったと結論づけた判決判定が有ったと、2011年10月に言った。




文書によると、電子メールの約9% - または2千5百万未満 - は諜報活動に精通した "上流"のソース、これは情報操作に精通した当局が言うところの通信会社に属するケーブルリンクから収集されます。

残りの部分は、NSAがそれらが送信または受信された時点で、インターネットサービスプロバイダから取得する。問題のおよそ年間に56,000のメールは "上流の"情報源からのものであった。





プログラムは、次のようなキーワード例えば”爆弾"で電子メールを収集することはありません 。 代わりに、特定のアドレスに言及するか、または特定のアドレスか向けあるいはからのアドレスを取り込む、と一人の関係者は述べています。

アメリカ市民の電子メールをネット上で捕まえる事が出来る一つの方法は、そのプログラムが、個人のウェブメールアカウントのスクリーンショットを取得し、それで受送信の電子メールのページが分かり それは一つの相手に受送信される電子メールよりも(捕まえやすいからだ)と彼は言った。





役人達や政府が発表した裁判所の文書によると、NSAは、それが誤って収集されたと発見された後で証拠を "処分"することを決めた。

"あなたは全体として、これらの文書を見ると、あなたはNSAでやっている自己管理が本当に効果的な感覚を得るでしょう"、 "どんな時でも、あなたが何千人もの人々が関係する大きな技術的に複雑な操作をしていると、間違いがあり、エラーも有るだろう。"と情報機関の関係者は述べた。

スノーデンの暴露がオバマ政権に、米国の情報機関が意図的にアメリカ人と同盟国の外国人にスパイをしていないと調べ説明する、汚点を付けた以降、歴史的に超秘密主義のNSAは最近 機密監視プログラムを公に議論する珍しい措置をとってている。


声明の中で、ワイデンは 裁判所の判決の機密解除は”長く延び延びになっている”そして、書かれた法は”法が保証するアメリカ人の市民の自由や個人の権利を守るのに不充分で再構築しなければならない” 明確になったと言った。


適切な法的承認なしにNSAが誤ってアメリカ人についての情報を収集した主な理由の一つは”その方法が 外国の容疑者と関連する目標としたアドレスからしばしば自動的に関連無しの代理店の固まりでEメールを集める方法で、純粋に国内のEメールだった”。 それらは、令状なしに収集されているべきでなかった。


(追加報告はジョセフMennとパトリシアZengerle ; 編集はデ​​イビッドブルンストロームとザビエルブリアン)

========以下 英語原文======== リンク先はこちらhttp://preview.reuters.com/2013/8/21/documents-show-nsa-may-have-collected-56000-1

Documents show NSA may have collected 56,000 emails by Americans

Filed Wed Aug 21, 2013 4:12pm EDT Updated Wed Aug 21, 2013 8:56pm EDT

By Mark Hosenball and Tabassum Zakaria

WASHINGTON - The National Security Agency may have unintentionally collected as many as 56,000 emails of Americans per year between 2008 and 2011 in a program that a secret U.S. court subsequently said may have violated U.S. law and the Constitution, according to documents released on Wednesday.

The once-classified documents were released by U.S. intelligence agencies as part of an unprecedented White House effort to smooth the uproar following revelations by former contractor Edward Snowden about the extent of secret government surveillance programs.

U.S. officials say the documents show that intelligence collection programs that inadvertently intrude on Americans' privacy are found and fixed.

But they also appear to raise new questions about operations by the eavesdropping National Security Agency and its oversight by the secret U.S. Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC).

"The court is troubled that the government’s revelations regarding the NSA’s acquisition of Internet transactions mark the third instance in less than three years in which the government has disclosed a substantial misrepresentation regarding the scope of a major collection program," Judge John Bates of the surveillance court wrote in one of the declassified documents.

More specifically, Bates said in an October 2011 ruling that the court had concluded that the process that resulted in improper collections of the tens of thousands of emails was "in some respects, deficient on statutory and constitutional grounds."

The newly declassified documents can be found at www.icontherecord.tumblr.com


The emails in question represent only a small slice of the electronic communications scooped up around the world by the NSA. It targets about 250 million email communications for collection each year and, under a separate program, has captured and kept records of millions of phone calls by Americans.

According to the documents, only about 9 percent of the emails - or less than 25 million - are collected from "upstream" sources, which officials familiar with intelligence operations said are cable links belonging to telecommunications companies.

The rest are acquired by the NSA from Internet service providers at the point where they are sent or received. The roughly 56,000 annual emails in question were from "upstream" sources.

Intelligence officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, defended their practices.

"This is not an egregious overreaching by a greedy agency seeking to spy on Americans. This is a technological problem that resulted in an inadvertent collection of a relatively small number of U.S. person communications," a senior intelligence official told reporters.

In the newly declassified ruling of the FISA Court, the court in a footnote estimates that, based on data supplied by the NSA, between 2008 and 2011, the agency might have unintentionally collected as many as 56,000 emailed communications of Americans annually.

U.S. intelligence officials told reporters that the domestic emails were collected under a program designed to target the emails of foreign terrorism suspects.

The program does not collect emails because of flagged words such as "bomb." Instead it takes in those mentioning specific addresses, or going to or from particular addresses, one official said.

One way that emails of American citizens can get caught in the net is because the program captures the screenshot of the person's webmail account that shows a page of emails received or sent, rather than just the one targeted email, he said.

"For technological reasons NSA was not capable ... and still is not capable of breaking those down into their individual components," the official said.


According to the officials and a court document which the administration released, the NSA decided to "purge" the material after discovering it was inadvertently collected.

"When you look at these documents taken as a whole, you'll get a sense for the really effective self-policing that goes on at NSA," an intelligence official said. "Any time you have a large technologically complex operation that involves thousands of people, there will mistakes, there will be errors."

The historically ultra-secretive NSA has recently taken rare steps to openly discuss classified surveillance programs after the Snowden disclosures put the Obama administration on the spot to try and explain that U.S. intelligence agencies were not deliberately spying on Americans and foreign allies.

A handful of lawmakers, most notably Senator Ron Wyden, a Democratic member of the Senate Intelligence Committee, had begun complaining months ago that the NSA was eavesdropping on Americans' communications in ways that were excessive and not transparent.

Wyden, in a statement, said the declassification of the court ruling was "long overdue" and made clear that the law as written was "insufficient to protect the civil liberties and privacy rights of law-abiding Americans and should be reformed."

Intelligence officials and the declassified documents explained that one of the main reasons that the NSA inadvertently collected information on Americans without proper legal authorization was that the method used to collect emails from targeted addresses linked to foreign suspects sometimes automatically brought into the agency batches of unrelated, and purely domestic, emails. Those should not have been collected without a warrant.

Since discovering the inadvertent collection program, intelligence officials said, the NSA has tightened its procedures for spotting and getting rid of data on Americans that was collected without proper authority.

(Additional reporting by Joseph Menn and Patricia Zengerle; Editing by David Brunnstrom and Xavier Briand)