

Today, the FBI declassified documents a series of mysterious events in the U.S. related to UFOs. We are talking about those X-Files, in which there is even a video, dated 1947, a year ...

2011-04-10 13:54:31

The FBI is preparing to contact with aliens

In the last two years reading and watching TV audience was faced with a surprising phenomenon - just like an avalanche, previously hushed about unidentified flying objects. Make films about them, talk recently mocked experts talk about them as much - politics! France and Britain after it began to spread the secret files on UFOs in open access. TV news broadcast in the whole world - had suddenly become to report cases of contact with UFOs, although until now it was a lot of the "yellow press". About movies and TV shows, preparing for something we do not ohlos say - Teletubbies and little green men out there are now more than ardent and diehard communists in Soviet films. What is it? Global conspiracy to manipulate public consciousness? Or could all this really serious?

Today, the FBI declassified document, to the delight of ufologists, tells of a mysterious event in the town of Roswell (USA, New Mexico), world-famous rumors about the alleged flying saucer had fallen there, and the advent of the photograph of the remains of alleged alien. There is a video dated 1947 year.

Many skeptics believe that all this is fiction, but now they are given an official document, dated, however, the year 1950, which states that a FBI agent (carefully blocked out his name) reported the discovery in the desert three flying saucers, in which there were bodies of humanoids in a silvery dress. Their growth was only about one meter. In the declassified document also indicates the probable cause of the accident - the impact of ground-based radars. Evidence of this can hardly be considered, but the fact remains that the U.S. government in the middle of the XX century showed a fair amount of interest in that part of the country, it remains only to translate the text into Russian and documents are available for study.

This is - nonsense as nonsense, and last year's statement of Mr Paul Helle - a former defense minister of Canada, among others - publicly demanded the governments of countries around the world to start using declassify and Space Technology (interview with Ottawa Citizen). Prior to this Paul Helle demanded that the parliament of his country to hold a public hearing on the "Contact with extraterrestrial civilizations," but was denied


In October 2009, the audience was amazed the other retired military if not, then the employee is enough of a secret agency called NASA. Someone, Ken Johnston, held a press conference at which he showed reporters photographs of the moon secret, hidden by the U.S. government for over forty years. The pictures clearly see something resembling the ruins of a futuristic civilization (the gigantic towers, the city covered with sand, unusual body hanging over the surface and cast a shadow plainly). Photos are quite controversial, as controversial and very person of Mr. Ken Johnson.

We believe and British police, and defense ministers of Canada, and U.S. presidents - people mentally healthy and regular medical examinations. Healthy people work in such a serious organization as CNES - the French National Centre for the Study of the cosmos.

Early last year, this is a serious public institution very seriously the request of former Defense Minister of Canada and the world's first posted to the network of secret archives of the French Government regarding the observation of a UFO. And in May this year the same thing done by the Ministry of Defense of the United Kingdom of Great Britain.

How to explain it, because certainly the synchronous action of Britain and France to make public data on UFOs had something to do? And very much doubt that powerful people behind this decision had not been consulted on this matter from their counterparts in the U.S. - as long and carefully collecting materials about UFOs. That is, there could be no collective decision. We think that very soon will lay out some of his X-Files and NASA, and the CIA and the FBI and the Pentagon, and other organizations involved in their collection. Their publication - it's only a matter of time - more precisely, the question society's readiness to accept the information to which it very gradually, very prepared doses.

UFO phenomenon became popular: a reply. Investigations and studies carried out by governments for decades, have generated more questions than answers. "All this, together with the endless demands of ordinary citizens and various organizations, has led to the fact that the authorities were forced to release some of its own archives," - says Enrico Baccarin, director of the National UFO Center in Italy, "is to understand whether this is feasible to prepare a solution with people or whether these steps are aimed at putting an end to secrecy, because there is nothing serious or alarming. "


This last argument is used in case of discovery of the American X-files of the FBI. The theory of adaptation to the phenomenon of being implemented against a background of confidence in the fact that not all governments have uncovered the secrets to the end. State secrets, along with the danger of possible culture shock forces to act with caution in disclosure.

FBI documents a series of mysterious events related to UFO