
Finland Will Become the First Country in the World to Get Rid of All School Subjects

‘Finland’s education system is considered one of the best in the world. In international ratings, it’s always in the top ten. However, the authorities there aren’t ready to rest on their laurels, and they’ve decided to carry through a real revolution in their school system.

Finnish officials want to remove school subjects from the curriculum. There will no longer be any classes in physics, math, literature, history, or geography.

The head of the Department of Education in Helsinki, Marjo Kyllonen, explained the changes:

“There are schools that are teaching in the old-fashioned way which was of benefit in the beginning of the 1900s — but the needs are not the same, and we need something fit for the 21st century.“’

フィンランドの教育制度は、世界で最も優れた教育制度の1つと考えられています。 国際格付けでは、常にトップ10に入っています。


フィンランドの当局者は、学校の科目をカリキュラムから削除したいと考えています。 物理学、数学、文学、歴史、地理学の授業はもうなくなります。

ヘルシンキの教育省の長Marjo Kyllonenは、この変更について説明しました。



Read more: Finland Will Become the First Country in the World to Get Rid of All School Subjects