
Trapped in a desperate situation Jamahiriya head in his last letter to Italy refers signed two years before the Treaty of Friendship Italy and Libya, and called upon the President the Italian government to force NATO to stop bombing their country, said «GHN».

Perhaps it is the last letter Gaddafi Western world: a call for help from his old friend Silvio Berlusconi was written August 5 this year. Trapped in a desperate situation head Jamahiriya recalls signed two years earlier, the Treaty of Friendship Italy and Libya, and calls upon the President the Italian government to force NATO to stop bombing their country, resulting in translation of an article InoSMI.ru «Paris Match»,

"Send this message on my behalf as described in this document after verification." These few words at the top left corner of the letters were written by hand, the former dictator. Specified there and the recipient's name: Abdullah Mansour. Gen. Mansour, who is listed in the list of wanted criminals by the International Criminal Court, was one of the closest supporters of Gaddafi and has long led the state television. The letter, former Libyan leader crossed the expression "new friends", replacing it with "friends and allies." Of course, not to offend Berlusconi. What is even more interesting, the main purpose of the message which checked and corrected himself Gaddafi, not to achieve "a solution that would guarantee the Libyan people completely free choice of their leadership," and to "stop the aggression against my country." These are important differences show that on 5 August Gaddafi was not even going to talk about his retirement.

During August, the document was in Rome, but did not cause any response. The most incredible thing in the whole situation, that the Libyan envoy who went to Tripoli after the last message from Libyan leader, the Western world, this is not an agent of SISMI (Italian intelligence), and not a mercenary in the service mode Gaddafi, and the executive director of the agency in Rome. Alessandro Londero (Alessandro Londero) and his wife Yvonne de Vito (Yvonne di Vito) direct the Agency Hostessweb, which has been recruiting for the spectators conferences Gaddafi during his frequent official visits to the Italian capital.

The couple were friends of the Libyan leader, and were often guests in his tent in Tripoli and Sirte, but also could boast of having seen the Colonel playing basketball, jogging or returning from the hunt. "It was simple, and is closely associated with their Bedouin roots man who wanted to introduce us to their culture and country and treated us with great respect," - said today saddened by the death of a friend Yvonne De Vito. In addition, the owner Hostessweb (TV channel Russia Today has called her "activist") is the creator of the site to support Gadhafi www.libyanfriends.com, where, for example, you can see how the former dictator of nursing with one of her granddaughters.

When in July of this year, Alessandro and Yvonne found out through a Libyan friend, that the leader wants to meet them, they flew on a plane to Djerba and Tripoli came in through the Tunisian border. August 7 couple met in a bunker with General Abdullah Mansour, who told them that Gaddafi had fled from the capital last night. "General Mansur was one of those few who are still able to contact the Head of State" - explains Alessandro Londero. The owner of the agency Hostessweb agreed to take the role of a diplomat and to transmit a message to representatives of the Italian state. He got himself into the hands of a draft letter with comments Gaddafi. "When the translator from protocol service saw him, he immediately said she finds underscore the leader and start to cry," - says Londero, which because of all the events in the end did not manage to get a final letter. On his return to Rome, he sought a few hours to draw attention to the treatment counselors Berlusconi leader. To no avail.

The full text of the letter to Muammar Gaddafi, Silvio Berlusconi

"Dear Silvio.

I'm sending you this letter in your fellow citizens who have come to Libya to support us in such a difficult moment for the people of the Great Jamahiriya.

I was surprised by the attitude of a friend with whom I signed a treaty of friendship that will benefit both our peoples. I was hoping that you at least take an interest in the real facts and try to mediate before they support this war. I do not blame you for something you did not commit, because I know perfectly well that you were against this fatal decision which does no credit to either you or the Italian people. But I think you can still try to fix it and to prioritize the interests of our peoples.

Rest assured, I and my people to forget about everything and turn the black page of a special relationship that links the Libyan and Italian peoples.

Stop the bombing, which killed our brothers and our Libyan children. Talk to your [new (erased)] friends and allies to achieve [a solution that would guarantee the Libyan people completely free choice of their leadership (deleted)] the aggression against my country. I hope that Almighty God will direct you on the path of righteousness [to stop the carnage in my country of Libya (deleted)].

In the upper left corner of the printed draft of the letter Colonel Gaddafi added the following handwritten note: "Abdullah Mansur: Send a message on my behalf as described in this document after verification."