
Temporary loop stealth http://www.ufolog.ru/publication/3232


April 16, 2007

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Bermuda Triangle has been a training ground for top-secret weapons of the U.S.? In the midst of a bloody war with Hitler in America brought together prominent scientists from across Europe. One of which Einstein was worth it.

Albert Einstein

All these great minds have fled from Hitler's mad, they all hated him. And in spite of his pacifist beliefs, were ready to do anything to stop the Nazi plague. That foreign scientists Albert Einstein and Carlos Allende was rumored to have developed the famous Philadelphia Experiment. Ideas were the most precious - to save the U.S. from Nazi radar Court. But here's what came of it: turned over all representations of natural phenomena.

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Strange familiar

Venue - the neighborhood of Colorado Springs, one evening iztihih 1970, late autumn. Two pilots - James Davis of Maryland and Allen Hughes of Texas - went for a walk to a nearby memorial park, taking with him a camera.

Suddenly Davis was approached by one of the visitors to the park. They got to talking. "You know, - he said - I did during the war was a naval officer. That's just where they dragged me into some kind of adventure, and then me, and fired. Said I was crazy - he tapped his index finger to his forehead. - Only you do not believe it's damned experiment. And I just could not resist fucking loads. So they kicked me. " The man took out his wallet and showed the battered and probably long outdated identity, 'See? Navy ". The man told a glass of beer Davis is, in that he could not believe how much he tried.

Still, he shared information with reporters one of the most popular American newspapers. Since then, the journalists of many publications, as well as simple, researchers are trying to figure out all the details of one of the most secret and sensational experiment in the history of science.

How was it?

So, that said unknown to Davis and that it was possible, then find out journalists? The Philadelphia Experiment was also known as the "Project" Rainbow "- this name was given to these studies, those who supervised them. It was conceived as a top-secret project, which would decide the outcome of World War II. The project "Rainbow", the herald of the current technology "Stealth" ("low visibility"), conducted technical experiments to ensure invisibility to enemy radar ships. To create this "electromagnetic bubble" - the screen, which is ascribed to radiation from radar by the ship. "Electromagnetic bubble" changing the external electromagnetic field around a particular area - in this case the field is surrounded by a warship, "Eldridge".

Although the aim was only to achieve indistinguishability ship for radar revealed a totally unexpected and drastic side effect. He made the ship invisible to the naked eye and withdrew it from the space-time continuum. The ship suddenly appeared in Norfolk, Va., at a distance of hundreds of miles.

The project has been successful in the material, physical aspect, but for the people involved was a brutal catastrophe. While the ship "moved" from the Philadelphia Naval Base in Norfolk and back again, members of the crew lost all orientation. They left the physical world, but have not found a familiar environment, which could establish a connection. Upon returning to the naval base in Philadelphia, some could not walk without leaning on the wall. Those who survived were mentally abnormal, were in a state of terror.

Subsequently, all members of the team after a long period of rehabilitation have been dismissed as "mentally unbalanced". But examination of "mental imbalance" has been very useful in order to discredit the possible revelations about what happened.

As a result, research project "Rainbow" stopped.

Despite the fact that it made an important discovery, it remains unclear whether human beings to survive in subsequent experiments. Was too risky to continue. Dr. John von Neumann, who headed the project, have involved the Manhattan Project to build an atomic bomb, which was the weapon that ended World War II.

The last argument

Most recently, on television open up 83-year-old Patrick Macey, who served in the 40th century egody last in the American Navy. And that's what he told me:

With me, once was a very strange case in which I served during the war in the Navy. I then engaged in the control of audio and video, and once in 1945 in Washington got a chance to see part of the film held at sea experiment, which showed the highest ranks Navy. I remember only parts of the movie, because I was on duty and could not, like others, to sit and watch it.

Jana knew what, in fact, the film, since the comment was not in it. But remember that we talked about it in three ships. It was shown how two ships pumped some energy third, standing between them. I thought that it was the sound waves, but nothing definite can not tell me, of course, in these cases is not dedicated. After some time, the average ship - the destroyer - started to fade in some transparent mist, while he did not stay on only one track on the water.

What is the finished work on teleportation, what ended the study is unknown. Maybe the military does not consider it necessary to publicize their achievements. Maybe it was time. And we are still waiting in front of a lot of mysteries.

Mysteries of the Bermuda Triangle

Over the years, interest in the mystery of a faded, then flared again, there were more and more questions. In fact, if the Navy really was - accidentally or intentionally - to achieve the effect of invisibility or teleportation (instant moving material object from one point to another), it could not provide the results of this experiment also explains a number of mysterious events and numerous cases of complete disappearance in the vicinity of the Earth, which is called the Bermuda Triangle? Why not assume that Americans have turned this geographical area in a testing ground for teleportation devices? Then the mystery of the triangle are explained very easily.

A lot of white spots will be removed and the stories about UFO sightings, if confirmed holding the Philadelphia Experiment. Strange objects that suddenly appear and disappear at different points on the earth, it can be controlled by the Pentagon's aircraft, which are simply going to need for the military intelligence information.

Do Americans have learned to teleport? Why not? Now, this phenomenon can and should be kept secret - it's huge military superiority over any opponent. And if the data is to publish - follow the destruction of thousands of air - and the railway companies, automotive companies. Unemployment for hundreds of millions of people.

Americans do not need it. They need a large and victorious war. And if the Philadelphia Experiment took place and was successful - they can win it.

What burned Einstein?

The most important question: Is the story true unknown? Many members of the crew, "Eldridge" to the top of investigations have already died. Others flatly refused to talk to the press. However, some evidence is still mined.

In the 70's became available to the press some letters of Carlos Allende, who was one of the supervisors of the project. He wrote to his friend and colleague, Dr. Jessup, who decided to talk about their work. In these letters, the whole experiment, from its conception and implementation, to follow developments.

But the concluding words of his third letter: "Perhaps the Navy has used the shipping disaster for the construction of a UFO. From every point of view is logically the next step ".

If you trust the data Carlos Allende, the design basis for the Philadelphia Experiment to be found in a very obscure and highly complex scientific theory developed by Albert Einstein and known as the Unified Field Theory. In his second letter to Jessup Allende writes that Einstein first published the theory in the years 1925-1927, but then withdrew it for reasons of "humanistic" in the words of Allende.

It is known that the great scientist was a humanist. However, he mortally hated Hitler. By the time of the famous physicist could easily participate in the Philadelphia experiment. And the fact that it would help defeat Hitler - was for him a very convincing argument.

After Einstein's death in 1955, stated that he was a few months before his death, burned documents regarding some of them well-developed theories - from the fact that "mankind is not ready for them, and without these theories will feel better" . Surely destroying traces of the experiment?