
At the bottom of the Baltic Sea treasure hunters have discovered a UFO. Posted on August 1st 11 (16:21) http://www.aif.ru/techno/news/90554

Treasure hunters wanted to find a sunken ship with a cargo of rare champagne

Swedish treasure hunters announced the discovery of shocking at the bottom of the Baltic Sea - they found the object in the form of a perfect circle with a diameter slightly more than 18 meters, strongly reminiscent of UFOs. The team led by Swedish oceanographer Peter Lindbergh went on an expedition in search of a sunken ship with a cargo of rare champagne on board.

As a result, at a depth of slightly less than 100 m divers saw an unknown object, and next to it - like longitudinal markings stopping distance. Treasure hunters claim that they previously did not come across anything like this, says NIA-Baikal.

Meanwhile, skeptics believe that the mysterious object - just a geological formation. In addition, they argue, to recognize his alien ships can not because of lack of arguments.