
The air smells of World War II storm

November 14, 2011 | Views: 29 957 | http://topwar.ru/8392-v-vozduhe-pahnet-grozoy-mirovoy-voyny.html

The news comes from the Middle East, saying that the air smells like a storm of another world war. Over the weekend, received several alarming reports.

November 12 the League of Arab States (LAS) voted for the suspension, the Syrian Arab Republic to participate in meetings of the organization in connection with the unfolded state of confrontation between the regime of President Bashar al-Assad and the opposition. "For" votes 18 Arab States (LAS only - 22 States), "against" expressed itself SAR, as well as Lebanon and Yemen. Iraq abstained. It is believed that the decision on temporary suspension of membership in the League of the Syrian government will act as long as the CAP will not be interrupted violence.

It should be noted that on November 11 published a report entitled "We live as in war: The suppression of anti-government protests in the province of Homs," the human rights organization Human Rights Watch (HRW). It accused Syria of crimes against humanity. According to human rights activists in Hong Horns only "thousands" were unlawful arrests, "enforced disappearance, systematic torture." According to the organization, many Syrians were killed as a result of torture while in prison. Human rights activists called on the Arab League to suspend the membership of ATS in the organization (which has already been done), and the UN Security Council asked for an embargo on arms supplies to Syria. In addition, the organization has asked the UN to pass "the Syrian dossier" to the International Criminal Court, that he began work on bringing those responsible to justice.

In addition, the Arab League urges its members to withdraw their diplomatic missions in Damascus. And what is particularly bad for the Syrian people, Syria threatened to impose economic sanctions. Given the fact that sanctions have already entered the United States, European Union, Turkey and the situation in the Syrian economy is not the best, it will be a major blow to the state.

Ahmed Yousef representative in Damascus after the vote, the League said that his government condemns the decision of an organization that violates the Charter of the Arab League and shows the desire to "curry favor" to the West.

Damascus proposed that "emergency summit" of the League, to find a peaceful solution to the conflict and to prevent "negative consequences for the Arab world."

Answer the Syrian people. The RAA have been mass protests caused by the decision of the Arab League. Tens of thousands of Syrians with national flags in their hands took to the streets and squares of Damascus, Aleppo, Tartus, Latakia and other cities to express their support for President Bashar Assad and disagreement with the decision of the League. According to protesters, pro-American Action League of the scheme and are now "sold" to Syria.

In the Syrian capital crowd, armed with sticks and knives, attacked the embassy of Saudi Arabia (Riyadh in August withdrew its ambassador from ATS, demanding that Bashar al-Assad to find a compromise with the opposition), people ransacked the building. The protests were held at the Embassy of Qatar and the French Consulate and the Turkish Latakia. In Damascus, the Syrians enraged tried to storm the Turkish Embassy, the police had to use tear gas.

November 13 Secretary-General of the League, Nabil al-Arabi has begun preparations for a meeting of representatives of different groups of Syrian opposition at the headquarters of the Arab League. The main objective of this event to unite the opponents of the Assad regime into a single force.

UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon said the decision of the League of Arab States' resolute and courageous. " Secretary General of the Arab League endorsed the decision "to protect the civilian population" and is ready to provide assistance if request it. It also called on Damascus to listen to the position of the League, and immediately stop the violence in the country.

The special position of Egypt and Algeria

Egyptian Foreign Minister Amr Mohammed said that Cairo still opposes foreign interference in the affairs of ATS, "no matter what character it was of no." Egypt calls for ending violence, protect civilians and to resolve the crisis through dialogue.

Algeria said that he would not withdraw its ambassador from Syria, despite the decision of the Arab League. This was announced by Foreign Ministry spokesman Ammar Bilan. According to him, the League of Arab States was discussed and a harder version of the resolution on the Syrian track, but after long discussions in the document have a lot of amendments. In particular, the Algerian explained that many of the country, "argued for freezing, rather than the temporary suspension of membership in the Syrian Arab League."


Turkey supported the decision of PAH. Ankara ordered the evacuation of the Syrian part of the Turkish Embassy staff after it is attacked demonstrators. But while the ambassador will remain in Syria. The Turkish government handed an official note of protest, demanded guarantees of protection for its diplomats and bring the ringleaders to justice.

The Turks continued military operations in Iraqi Kurdistan. November 13 Turkish Air Force bombed the north of Iraq.

U.S.: do not fight we want, but allies can help

Washington continues the line, which began in Libya - the brunt of the fighting countries, disagreeable to the West to shift to "allies." In September came the news that U.S. President Barack Obama back in 2009 approved a secret agreement for additional military aid to Israel. It came in, and transfer of Israeli armed forces 55 protivobunkernyh controlled bombs GBU-28. The bomb is equipped with a laser guidance system and weighs almost 2.3 tons can penetrate the soil more than 30 meters or 6 feet of concrete.

November 11 edition of The Wall Street Journal reported the news that the U.S. administration is ready to provide its key allies in the Persian Gulf several thousand bunker busters and other munitions. By this step the White House would strengthen the position of its allies. WSJ notes that only Riyadh United States is prepared to provide up to 4.9 thousand precision bombs and other weapons. At the same time announced plans for a regional missile defense system to defend against missiles Iran short and medium range. And despite the fact that the Sunni monarchy for two decades actively arming, purchasing the most modern weapons of mass in the U.S., in Europe, including air defense, air force, navy and land forces. In addition, the U.S. wants to strengthen its military presence in the monarchies of the Cooperation Council of Arab Gulf states after the final withdrawal of troops from Iraq.

Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney, who leads the race to become a candidate for the Republican nomination for president in 2012, according to the pre-election debates, that if he becomes U.S. president, then dispose of pre-emptive strike on Iran. The main reason for attack on the Islamic Republic of Mitt Romney has called the need to prevent the emergence of Tehran's nuclear weapons.

European Union

The foreign ministers of EU countries will discuss shortly in Brussels on new sanctions against the Syrian government. This was announced by the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Germany, Guido Westerwelle in the ongoing Frankfurt-am-Main extraordinary congress of the German Free Democratic Party. In his opinion, will be discussed, in particular, the restrictions on travel for some members of the Syrian authorities, as well as financial sanctions.

Minister of Foreign Affairs of Germany also stressed that the international community needs to develop a common position with regard to Syria. The international community must send Syria a "single signal that the repression and violence against peaceful demonstrators is not in any way not acceptable" - said Westerwelle.

What will the new world war?

It is clear that a world war almost inevitable, or, rather, has already begun - now there is "reconnaissance in force." Finally formed a coalition. We already see the two existing union. Anglo-Saxons and the Arab monarchies (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar, etc.) who are planning to wage war until victory. Zbigniew Brzezinski, has announced the goal of this alliance - "Atlantic Alliance", finally approved the new world order. And the Arab monarchies play the role of "Ram", "cannon fodder", it is clear that they will sacrifice to have a chance to survive only the ruling clans, which will become part of the lower levels of the world elite.

November 13th the newspaper "Al Rai" reported that nearly four years, the Kuwaiti government is preparing for war between Israel and Iran. The authorities have prepared a strategic stock of food and medicine, which should suffice for 6-8 months. In addition, the country's standing committee formed of representatives from the Foreign Ministry, Interior Ministry, the Ministry of Health, which constantly monitors the situation surrounding the "Iranian problem". Some work is carried out in the field of defense. If Israel will strike Iranian nuclear facilities, "there is a real danger of the Persian Gulf and Kuwait in particular," said Member of Parliament, former Minister of Health Maasuma al-Mubarak. In her view, the war would be "catastrophic", and therefore must be prepared to Kuwait.

The same union thought to involve Turkey, Russia, and Japan. Moreover, Russia will be very "modernized" the autonomy, identity is necessary to forget forever. Russian with Muslims (Turks and Sunni monarchies) should be the main strike force in the war with China and India. Apparently, the option is not considered a direct conflict, but a chain of border disputes with interference in the internal revolts (for example, in Tibet, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, etc.). But after the collapse of China and India - participation in "peacekeeping operations".

The second alliance - Iran, Syria, Hamas, Hezbollah Libya. Their goal is more modest - to survive in a world war, moreover, it is clear that they will be the first powerful (already taken) a stroke. If not for his obstinacy with Gaddafi, Syria seems to have a raging war. Although Tehran nurtures ideas, "the Persian Caliphate" ("Shiite Caliphate"), but given the balance of power, the chances were not enough. Too strong enemies in Iran.

But, in principle, there are chances that China and Russia (Putin's regime) did not hand over Syria and Iran - the enemy is better seen on distant borders. It is clear that Russian troops will not exactly there to fight (about China's military advisers, numbering a couple of divisions is a small chance), a direct confrontation with the West is impossible, since it will be apocalypse. But Russia and China can provide diplomatic support to deliver the weapon - a "war of the Spanish-2" (1936-1939), in a softer style.

Russia has already issued a statement saying that she decided not to stop arms deliveries to CAP, since no international restrictions on the subject does not exist. This statement was made deputy director Vyacheslav FSMTC Dzirkaln. And on Iran, Russia is continuing military-technical cooperation in the field of defensive weapons, so recently in the Islamic Republic put mobile electronic warfare systems - systems of EW type 1L222 "Motor depot." The main objective of this system - a passive search for radiating purposes, including pulse radar side-looking, radar and weapons control to ensure low-level flights by aircraft. In addition, negotiations for the supply of other types of defensive weapons that do not fall under the United Nations resolution.

Russia is much better to help Iran and Syria than to participate in the war in the South Caucasus, Central Asia and Central and Ukraine. China in the same situation. It is clear that Beijing is not going to sign a complete capitulation to the New World Order, which built the Westerners. He needs powerful allies who will help preserve at least the relative stability in Eurasia.

The position of Russia. Moscow is now more inclined towards the East (at least, Putin has demonstrated such steps) to dialogue with Syria and Iran, strengthening the integration cooperation in Eurasia, an alliance with China, as opposed to the plans of the West.

Although absolute certainty yet. Medvedev and other figures clearly show that Russia's future is seen in Europe. And the West regularly makes "overtures" sends "signals" such as speech Brzezinski in Yaroslavl or Normandy. Russia needs the U.S. as "a penal battalion", which decides for the West to eliminate the problem of the Islamic project (rebellious part of it), and China. But after World War "bleeds" and dies, leaving a legacy of vast lands, natural resources, the capacity of the gene (millions of Russian, who will move into the war in the European Union, the USA, Canada, Australia, etc.).

The only chance to survive and to be transformed, becoming the leader of a new world - is to lead the process of creating a "Eurasian Union": the first line - the union of most of the former Soviet republics to neoimperiyu, second line - the military-political alliance, tight financial and economic cooperation with all countries that want to live in peace and stability.

Within the country have ruthlessly crush the opposition's attempts to arrange a "Libyan" scenario, or "February 2". If necessary, go to the end, the fate of civilization is at stake, and the experience of China (Tiananmen Square in 1989). It must be remembered that the fate of the Russian Empire could be different if its last emperor showed determination and will. Thousands of dead and sent to prison in Petrograd might save millions who die in the Civil War and after the bullet, famine, epidemics and other "joys" era of the Troubles.

At the same time quickly lead the country towards the restoration of the spiritual, intellectual, economic and military power. Dialogue with the people, explain to him what is happening in the country and worldwide.

Western Europe. There is great uncertainty is visible - Britain, France demonstrate the willingness to support the plans of the United States. Italy varies, even during the war in Libya was ready to withdraw the aircraft and end the war. Germany also is not eager to participate in the new slaughterhouse. Apparently, two lessons have benefited.

For Russia, it would be just perfect drag on our side to Germany, Austria and the Slavic countries of Europe (with a large fortune to Italy and France) in the camp of the emerging (still only a "germ") "Eurasian Union".

India. Delhi must realize a simple fact - Indian civilization will be dissected, it will not remain in its present form. It was already dismembered - Pakistan highlighted, and then Bangladesh. So do not go in the wake of the Anglo-Saxons did not go to war with Pakistan and China. Otherwise the West will hold a brilliant operation, play off each other two strong powers, bastions of stability in Eurasia - China and India.

India needs to keep the peace on its borders and along with Russia and China to maintain peace and stability in Eurasia. Together to address areas of Afghanistan and Pakistan.

The nature of the new world war

It is clear that at the initial stage (he is) we will not see huge masses of troops, armies, and grinding each other. West is currently not capable of such a war. His army has basically hired, they can not fight the old way. They can kill from a distance (beats Air Force, Navy), and without serious loss, not more than 3-5% of the personnel, or they simply refuse to fight.

We see another country crush simultaneous attacks inside and outside. Serbia was defeated in 1999 by the application of high forces (Navy, Air Force, communication and management, etc.) and the confrontation with the separatists, ethnic Albanian guerrillas. In 2000, it completes an internal liberal-democratic opposition - "Bulldozer Revolution".

Iraq in 2003, destroyed the military strikes and internal betrayal of the military elite. In addition, the U.S. supported the Kurds, and quickly formed the opposition.

Libyan war shows an excellent example of "network war", Gaddafi broke - "swarm." Against him was the West, the Arab world (particularly Qatar and the UAE), domestic liberals, Islamists, separatists. Attracted and private military companies (they participated in the occupation of Iraq).

Now also break Syria: Damascus stands against the West (and Westerners concede the first role, like, we only help), the League of Arab States, the leadership of the UN, Turkey, various non-governmental organizations. Inside Syria against the State are the Islamists, liberals, and socialists.

A huge role in this operation are the media, they just suppress the will of the leadership, ordinary people, black white proclaim, white - black. In total incidence of intellectual level of the world's population (some experts say is the "new barbarians", "barbarization" young people who are no longer able to think holistically, it is logical), including Russia, "brainwashing", this method is very successful. Crowds of "themselves" (with skillful action) break their own states. In addition, the effect on psychopaths, encouraging violence, a great example - the murder of al-Gaddafi, the man who did so much for Libya and its people.