
By The Associated Press April 26, 2015 1:21 PM

In a story April 26 about a gathering of earthquakes experts a week before the Nepal quake, The Associated Press reported erroneously the name of one expert. His name is Hari Kumar, not Hari Ghi. The story also misspelled the name of his company, which is GeoHazards International, not Geohazards International.



A corrected version of the story is below:


Experts gathered in Nepal a week ago to ready for earthquake

Experts gathered in Nepal a week before quake to prepare for 'nightmare waiting to happen'


Nepal's devastating earthquake was the disaster experts knew was coming.





Just a week ago, about 50 earthquake and social scientists from around the world came to Kathmandu, Nepal, to figure out how to get this poor, congested, overdeveloped, shoddily built area to prepare better for the big one, a repeat of the 1934 temblor that leveled this city. They knew they were racing the clock, but they didn't know when what they feared would strike.

ちょうど一週間前、約50の地震と社会科学者は世界中からネパールのカトマンズーに、どの様にこのこの貧しい、混雑し、発達し過ぎた、粗雑に構築されたエリアを大きな都市として この街を1934年の地震で平らにされた繰り返しを良い物に準備するためにきました。 彼らは時間と競争している事を知っていました、しかし彼らが恐れていたものが何時起きるのか知らなかった。

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UPDATE MAKES SPELLING OF KATHMANDU CONSISTANT: Map locates a deadly earthquake in Nepal. ; 2c x 3 in …


"It was sort of a nightmare waiting to happen," said seismologist James Jackson, head of the earth sciences department at the University of Cambridge in England. "Physically and geologically what happened is exactly what we thought would happen."

But he didn't expect the massive quake that struck Saturday to happen so soon. The magnitude 7.8 earthquake killed more than 1,900 and counting and caused widespread destruction.

"I was walking through that very area where that earthquake was and I thought at the very time that the area was heading for trouble," said Jackson, lead scientist for Earthquakes Without Frontiers, a group that tries to make Asia more able to bounce back from these disasters and was having the meeting.

A Kathmandu earthquake has long been feared, not just because of the natural seismic fault, but because of the local, more human conditions that make it worse.

「それは起こるのを待っている悪夢のようなものだった、「地震学者ジェームズ・ジャクソン、イギリスのケンブリッジ大学の地球科学部門のリーダーは言いました。 「物理的および地質学的に起こったことは、我々が起こるだろうと思ったまさにそのものです。」




The same size shaking can have bigger effects on different parts of the globe because of building construction and population and that's something the U.S. Geological Survey calculates ahead of time. So the same level of severe shaking would cause 10 to 30 people to die per million residents in California, but 1,000 maybe more in Nepal, and up to 10,000 in parts of Pakistan, India, Iran and China, said USGS seismologist David Wald.

While the trigger of the disaster is natural — an earthquake — "the consequences are very much man-made," Jackson said. Except for landslides, which in this case are a serious problem, "it's buildings that kill people not earthquakes," Jackson said. If you lived in a flat desert with no water, an earthquake wouldn't harm you, but then few people want to live there.

"The real problem in Asia is how people have concentrated in dangerous places," Jackson said.


災害の引き金は自然ですが、- -地震 - -の「結果は非常に人によるものです」とジャクソンは言いました。 この場合には深刻な問題である地滑り、を除いて、「それは地震ではなく人々を殺したの建物だ」とジャクソンは言いました。あなたは水なしで平らな砂漠に住んでいた場合、地震があなたに害を与えないだろうが、それではそこに住みたい人々はいません。


Second major earthquake shakes Nepal

Local residents evacuate from a shop during an earthquake in central Kathmandu, Nepal, May 12, 2015. …カトマンズー中央で地震の間に地元の住人が店舗から避難する。

Kathmandu was warned, first by the Earth itself: this is the fifth significant quake there in the last 205 years, including the massive 1934 one.

"They knew they had a problem but it was so large they didn't where to start, how to start," said Hari Kumar, southeast Asia regional coordinator for GeoHazards International, a group that works on worldwide quake risks. Kumar, Jackson and Wald said Nepal was making progress on reducing its vulnerability to earthquakes, but not quickly or big enough.


「彼らは、彼らが問題を持っている事を知っていたが、それが大きく何処でどの様に始まるのかを知らなかったと「ハリ・クマール、GeoHazardsインターナショナル、世界的な地震リスクに取り組んでグループの東南アジア地域コーディネーターは述べています。 クマー、ジャクソンとワルドは、ネパールは地震への脆弱性を減らすことに前進しているが、まだ充分に早くあるいは十分に大きいくないと云う。

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Map locates recent earthquakes and includes a map of plate tectonics; 3c x 3 inches; 146 mm x 76 mm;

Map locates recent earthquakes and includes a map of plate tectonics; 3c x 3 inches; 146 mm x 76 mm;


Kumar's group on April 12 updated a late 1990s report summarizing the Kathmandu Valley risks.

"With an annual population growth rate of 6.5 percent and one of the highest urban densities in the world, the 1.5 million people living in the Kathmandu Valley were clearly facing a serious and growing earthquake risk," the report said, laying out "the problem" the valley faces. "It was also clear that the next large earthquake to strike near the Valley would cause significantly greater loss of life, structural damage, and economic hardship than past earthquakes had inflicted."

And for years there were no building codes and rampant development so homes and other structures could be built without any regards to earthquakes, the report said. There are now building codes, but that doesn't help the older structures, and the codes aren't overly strong, Kumar said.

It's actually even made worse because of local inheritance laws that require property be split equally among all sons, Jackson said. So that means buildings are split vertically among brothers making very thin rickety homes that need more space so people add insecure living space on additional floors, he said.

"The construction is appalling in Kathmandu," Jackson said.

Poverty and pollution make the problem worse, Jackson said. That's because people don't spend time worrying about some future earthquake because they have more pressing problems.

"If you live in the Kathmandu Valley you have other priorities, daily threats and daily nasty things happen to you in terms of air quality, water quality, pollution, traffic and just poverty," Jackson said. "But it doesn't mean that the earthquakes go away."


「1年間の人口増加率6.5%で世界で最も高い都市密度で、カトマンズの谷に住む150万人は明らかに深刻で成長している地震リスクに直面していたと、報告書は言い「谷が直面している問題のしめした。「それは次の大地震が谷の近くにおきれば 明確に大きな人命の損失、構造的損傷、経済的苦難の著しく大きな損失を過去の地震が負わせていたよりも引き起こすことも明らかでした。」

何年も建築基準や乱開発のルールが無かったので家やその他の構造物がどんな地震に対する考えも無くたてる事が出来たと報告書は述べている。 今は建築基準があります、しかしそれは古い建築物を助けず、それは強すぎる事が無かったのですとクマールは述べています。




「あなたがカトマンズの谷に住んでいる場合は、他の優先順位があります、毎日の脅威と毎日嫌なこと、大気質、水質、汚染、交通や貧困があなたに起こる、「ジャクソンは言いました。 「しかし、それは地震が離れて行く意味ではありません。」


Earthquakes Without Frontiers: http://ewf.nerc.ac.uk/

Geohazards International: www.geohaz.org

Seth Borenstein can be followed at http://twitter.com/borenbears