
Last Updated: June 16, 2014 9:00 am


It’s another year, and now the optician wants you to get another, thicker pair of lenses. Just looking at this screen is getting to be a pain, so that must be the solution.

Or is it?

Maybe the eye is just like any organ or muscle; it can be trained, it can be strengthened.

Using corrective lenses doesn’t aid in strengthening the eye. They’re a crutch that the eye becomes dependent on over time.

The Perfect Vision Today eyesight restoration program claims it can get you back to having 20/20 vision by doing natural eye exercises and without invasive surgery or getting a thicker pair of glasses every year.

We have heard from various people, including the authors of Perfect Vision Today, that there is a dirty little secret behind the entire eye care industry. Their claim is that no matter what you suffer from—whether it’s near sightedness, far sightedness, presbyopia, glaucoma, macular degeneration or something worse—they are all conditions that were created by improperly using your eyes.

The good news, they say, is that these problems can be completely reversed.

There is something to the idea that the glasses industry is out to create more glasses wearers. Any optician knows first hand how much money is made off of people who need glasses. Almost seven billion dollars are made every year on contact lenses alone. The rest of the industry brings in almost twice that.

If the Perfect Vision Today System means never having to buy another pair of contacts, it means not letting the industry get any more of your money.

For people getting older it means being able to see the way you used to again.

Perfect Vision Today says it’s possible, and it doesn’t involve any risky surgical procedures. It’s a program that claims to have helped almost 46,400 people since it’s been made available.

Reverse your vision back to a 20/20 state? Check out this FREE VIDEO to see what it’s all about and share your views on this with us in the comments below.

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I have it on paper from a certified optician that my eyesight has indeed improved from these exercises. Not that I told her what I'd done, I just acted as if it had happened on its own. I'm not free from lenses or glasses yet, but I am very confident that I will be before the end of 2015.

Either way, start with the six muscles holding your eyeballs and controlling their movements. Do circles, 8's, squares, X's, anything you can imagine just to activate and strain these muscles to a comfortable degree. Try to move your eyes past their "limit" ie look through the top of your skull, your jaw, and your cheeks. Gradually increase the frequency and effort involved, you should never feel uncomfortable doing this. You may however get a bit sore as if you've hit the gym for the first time in years. Just let the soreness pass and then go at it again, just like you would with your other muscles.

This alone may cause your eyesight to fluctuate and produce clear flashes of perfect clarity. It won't last though unless you keep at it!

Once you've strengthened these muscles for maybe a week or so, it's time to start incorporating exercises of the muscles attached to your lenses. Find the furthest (or nearest depending on your ailment) spot that you can focus on. Then find a comfortable spot nearer/further away from it. Simply switch your focus back and forth 20-30 times, keeping it in place for 5 seconds every time before switching back. As your lens muscles get a nice pump going, you'll gradually be able to increase the distance between these two points without straining to see. It will take time! But it's so worth it in the end!

Other than these exercises, it is important to begin breathing properly and learning to truly relax the muscles in your neck, shoulders, and face. All of this influences your eyesight more than you'd think. Our eyes are still a part of our body and will be affected just like anything else when something's not right.

Seeing is not all in the eyes, it's a lot in our heads too. With the mindset that you're going to be stuck with contacts or glasses for the rest of your life, chances are you're right.

I'm not asking you to believe me at first hand, but I do hope you'll give it a try. I'm not trying to sell anything at all here, I'm not giving you just a small piece of my "secret method". That's all there's to it for me, and it's making a difference. I've confirmed it numerous times with license number plates on passing cars with the help of my friends, at distances that I shouldn't be able to read them with my myopia. Without squinting, without straining.

And don't forget to just allow your eyes to be the way they are sometimes. They will most likely continue to fluctuate back and forth for a while afterwards. Don't stress it, and keep training.

You deserve your eyesight - reclaim it! Best of luck!