
End of the World "suffered" for 2013! Scientists are sounding the alarm


Scientists at NASA believe that a couple of years our planet can not wait man-made disasters. Their reason - the peak of solar activity that falls in 2013.

Such peaks occur regularly every 11 years - and then comes the "Year of the active sun."

Our star is already beginning to show donors. 22 and 24 September in the sun were recorded most powerful X-ray bursts in the area of ​​sunspot AR1302. Such an early recurrence of explosions astrophysics is considered very unusual.

And on Monday a spot to shoot at once burst out of the sixteen different power disturbances, which gave a huge coronal mass ejection. The flow of charged particles, which reached the Earth's magnetosphere, has already caused the strongest geomagnetic storm, which, according to scientists can last until the end of the week.

The geometry of the relative positions of Earth and the spot (and it is, incidentally, is much more of our planet) is becoming increasingly hostile. Simply put, the axis of the stronger emission coincide with the direction to Earth.

In the area of ​​the rebel September 29 spot will be in perfect position to cause another blow to our planet. If at this moment it decides to rebel again, then we should expect even more powerful geomagnetic storms.

Activity stains AR1302 sooner or later will fall, but in the next couple of years much easier to not be. Astrophysics, and so from the very beginning of this year, a record for record power solar flares - in February, June and August. And as we approach the peak in 2013 of the Earth is fragile Technosphere come under increasingly heavy blows the raging star.

Scientists have sounded the alarm today. Man-made world economy is at risk. Get into it, for example, air carriers are aircraft that are at the height, are particularly sensitive to solar disturbances. This is not to mention the increase in radiation dose to the crew and passengers. About headaches and pressure surges in meteozavisimyh people on the planet and not have to remind.

Humanity is increasingly dependent on sophisticated communications infrastructure and governance, tied to the electromagnetic system. This radio is cellular, satellite navigation and it is, finally, basic power supply.

So the end of the world may very well happen. In a literal sense. Well - for a while sit without light.

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