
Obama's Nobel Peace Prize to be given to Snowden? 18.07.2013

オバマ大統領のノーベル平和賞は、スノーデンに与えられる? 2013年7月18日









シェレメチェボ空港へスノーデンの到着後直ぐに、米国務長官ジョン·ケリーは、ロシアと中国の可能な "対応"に言及した。

当時ケリーは、これらの "対応"が特に何だとは特定しませんでした。


スノーデンがロシアで亡命を得る場合、 "更に何かする"と云うアイデアが米国の政治家の心に固まるように見えた。しかし、これが本当に行われることは保証されません。

"国は、特に明白な理由で、ワシントンからの宣言を無視できる国など有りません、特にロシアは。 しかし、これはロシア人が


我々は大きな原子力の力を持ち、責任ある意思決定をする必要があるためだ。と"政治クラス雑誌Vitaly Tretyakov編集長がPravda.ru へ語った"。


1980年にアフガニスタンへソ連は侵攻しなければならなかった。 今、アメリカ人はそこに行き詰まり、アフガニスタンだけでなはありません。

なので、 どんな活動も妨害する必要があるならば、これらは、米国と米国主催で起こる活動になるだろう "と彼は言った。


"私は多くの冷静な人がいると思う、誰もロシアと米国の間で緊張関係を必要としない。 ロシアと米国は国際舞台で極めて重要なプレーヤーです。


シリアはロシアの意見が侮れないことであること良い例です。 対立は、米国に重大な損傷の原因となります。

オバマ氏の行動は、彼が紛争のエスカレーションの支持者ではないことを示す、と "政治学者コンスタンティン·シモノフはPravda.Ruに語った。




大統領はまた、米国とロシアの関係は情報機関の争いよりも重要であると述べたと、 "専門家は言った。



西洋も、また、あまりに急激な進展は欧米諸国を含めてただ状況を悪化させると認識していると "Konstantin Simonovは言った。


Ex-CIA officer Edward Snowden's request for asylum in Russia prompted American politicians to issue a new set of statements. Republican Senator Lindsey Graham suggested boycotting the Olympic Games in Sochi. He urged his colleagues to send Russia the most unambiguous signal possible. According to the Senator, U.S. President Barack Obama should consider the possibility of the United States withdrawing from participation in the Olympics.

Graham's initiative, however, was not supported by his colleagues, even Senator John McCain. The latter believes that the United States can do much if Russia provides asylum to Snowden. At the same time, McCain does not think that last experience of withdrawal from the Olympics was positive, ITAR-TASS reported.

The U.S. boycotted the Olympics in Moscow in 1980, and the Soviet Union reciprocated in Los Angeles in 1984.

Senator Bob Corker of the Foreign Affairs Committee said that he did not want to exacerbate hostility in the relations between the U.S. and Russia.

Immediately after Snowden's arrival to the Sheremetyevo airport, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry mentioned possible "consequences" for Russia and China. At the time Kerry did not specify what these "consequences" might be.

Then it was reported that the U.S. president may abstain from visiting Russia for the G20 summit in September. However, these reports are consistently refuted at the official level.

It appears that the idea to "do much" if Snowden is granted asylum in Russia seems to be firmly lodged in the minds of the American politicians. However, it does not guarantee that this will really be done.

"No country can afford ignoring the statements from Washington for obvious reasons, especially Russia. But this is not because Russians are more dependent on the U.S. than others. This is because we are a great nuclear power and need to make responsible decisions," editor-in-chief of Political Class magazine Vitaly Tretyakov told "Pravda.ru."

"In this case, I believe it is a direct blackmail by a known precedent. In 1980, it had to do with the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. Now the Americans are bogged down there, and not just in Afghanistan. So if there is a need to sabotage any activities, these would be the activities that occur in the United States and organized by the United States," he said.

"At this particular moment I believe that the Russian government should not give in to this blackmail, and then play it by ear," said Vitaly Tretyakov.

"I think that there are a lot more sober-minded people, and no one needs strained relations between Russia and the U.S. Russia is an extremely significant player in the international arena. Many issues are not solved without Russia and the United States needs to solve these issues. Syria is a great example that Russia's opinion is to be reckoned with. A confrontation will cause serious damage to the United States. Obama's behavior shows that he is not a supporter of the escalation of the conflict," political scientist Konstantin Simonov told Pravda.Ru.

He stressed that Russia takes a careful stance in this situation. "Russia has indicated that it is not going to make a long-lasting topic out of Snowden's case to show the U.S. off every week. Putin's statement was very careful: this situation is unpleasant for us, we did not invite him, he happened to be here. The President also stated that Russia's relationship with the U.S. was more important than squabbling of the special services," said the expert.

"There are reasonable people on both sides of the Atlantic, and they will push Russophobes to the back stage. Such hysteria will be reported by media once in a while, but there will be no boycotting of the Olympics, and Obama will not cancel his visit. The West, too, realizes that overly drastic steps will only worsen the situation, including for the Western countries," said Konstantin Simonov

Oleg Artyukov Pravda.Ru