
They say that Washington advised to arm the revolutionaries in Libya. Do you think this is a good idea?

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PAUL CRAIG ROBERTS: They have their arm. This is the uniqueness of the Libyan uprising. This is not a peaceful uprising, it is not in the capital. This insurrection, which comes from the east. And we know that the United States involved in the fighting, so that they are armed.

- Can we compare it with the intervention of the military intervention in Bahrain?

- We do not want to overthrow the government of Bahrain or in Saudi Arabia, where both the government used against the protesters violence because they are our puppets, and in Bahrain we have a large naval base.

We want to overthrow the Qaddafi of Libya and Assad in Syria, because we want to drive China and Russia from the Mediterranean. China carried out large-scale energy investments in eastern Libya, and relies on it, along with Angola and Nigeria, in terms of their energy needs. This is an attempt to deny the United States to China in resources - as well as Washington and London denied resources in the Chinese 30 years.

What is the interest in the protests in Syria? - A website wikileaks shows that the protests are Americans. We are interested in this because there is a Russian naval base, which gives them a presence in the Mediterranean Sea. So you see, Washington intervened in Libya and has made more efforts to intervene in Syria, because we want to get rid of the Russian and Chinese.

But we say nothing about the Saudis - as they seek to challenge or something about the violence used against protesters in Bahrain.

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- You want to say that the ultimate goal of the attack on Libya - oil factor?

- It's not just oil business in the Chinese introduction to Africa and that China is building supplies for their energy needs. Maybe you know that the International Monetary Fund released a report stating that "the era of America" is over, and that within five years, Chinese economy will overtake the U.S., and then the U.S. will become the second largest economy in the world, not first. So Washington is trying to use the unit to apply their superior military and strategic capabilities in order to avoid getting China resources and slow the development of Chinese economy.

This is the main reason for the activity of the CIA in eastern Libya in total, why the protests broke out just to the east, but not in the capital, as in other Arab countries, but also the reason why the protests armed.

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- Do you think the diplomatic isolation of Libya was the sole cause of this military intervention?

- I do not think this is the main reason. The main reason - to drive out of Libya, China, and what's going on. Prior to the campaign, there were 30 000 Chinese, then 29 000 people were evacuated.

In addition, this pay Gaddafi for refusing to join the Joint Command of U.S. forces in the area of Africa. It began operations in 2008 and became an American response to the entry of China into Africa, the U.S. military have created a response to this, and Gaddafi refused to participate - he said it was an act of imperialism and an attempt to buy the whole continent.

The third reason - Gaddafi in Libya controls an important part of the Mediterranean coast. The same with Syria.

I think these two countries are just standing in the way of American hegemony in the Mediterranean Sea and the Americans certainly do not want to be influential Russian fleet was based there, and do not want China pulled out of energy resources in Africa.

Washington was caught off guard broke out in Tunisia and Egypt unrest, but quickly realized that they can be used to hide behind the Arab protests desire to drive Russia and China, without resorting to direct confrontation, so that the protests in Libya and Syria have been staged.

We do know that the CIA had fueled the conflict in eastern Libya for quite some time, it's a known fact. The publication of the telegrams on WikiLeaks proves that the Americans were involved in fomenting unrest in Syria.

We did not provoke unrest in Egypt, Bahrain, Tunisia and Saudi Arabia. We are probably responsible for the protests in Yemen, because we use drones and slapped on some tribal elements.

So, the difference is that Americans have put their hand in the affairs of Syria and Libya, organized demonstrations, gave money and so on. There is always dissatisfied, you can buy or you can promise.

- Now the drones used in Libya. How did they managed? Technically, they can not fly from Italy because of lack of fuel, so where from?

- I do not know, maybe from the American warships. I think the last message about the drones were from naval officer.

I would like to add something. Probably the biggest risk, and risk ignored, the ratio of China. Chinese companies are losing hundreds of millions of dollars as a result of this intervention. They've got 50 massive investments all goes down the toilet, and China clearly sees intervention as an act against them. They have no illusions that they do not read the New York Times or Washington Post and do not believe all this crap. They see only the American action against China.

- You say that America wants to throw out China and replace these investments by U.S. companies?

- All the way. I also think that the Russian are beginning to realize that the events in Syria, directed against them and their base.

We, in fact, begin to interfere with the two major countries: China, whose economy is probably better than the American one, because the Chinese have a job, and with Russia, which has an unlimited arsenal. We're starting to put pressure on the country's very strong and very reckless manner. We behave recklessly and dangerously.

As soon as Russia and China will come to the conclusion that the Americans simply can not handle efficiently, and that they are determined to somehow subdue them and cause them harm, the result can be any kind of escalation. This is a real danger, and we could face a major war.

- Italy relies heavily on Libyan oil. What can you say about the role of Italy as a member of NATO, in Libya?

- This is another unique moment in the Libyan intervention. Why is NATO at war in Africa? North-Atlantic Alliance was formed to defend against a possible Soviet invasion of Western Europe. Soviet Union has for twenty years. With the help of the U.S. alliance and the Pentagon has been transformed into auxiliary forces, and NATO is now engaged in an aggressive war in Africa. It's a war a war of aggression, war offensive.

So this is an unusual event. Why do they happen? We did not use NATO in Egypt, Tunisia, and most definitely not going to use in Saudi Arabia or Bahrain, so it's strange - NATO war in Africa. Need an explanation.

Original publication: US risks war with China and Russia

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