11.米軍は最速の飛行機Falcon HTV-2を公表

The U.S. military has revealed new details of the unsuccessful launch of the fastest aircraft Falcon HTV-2, which was held on August 11. Published on their video is seen as a super-fast plane down against the morning sky.

The very moment of the crash did not show Falcon. For video, you can understand that he fell into the sea. The first and last flight of a craft captured on camera Navy officer from one of the ships, who observed the tests.

The newest aircraft was launched August 11 by the Agency Defense Advanced Research Projects (DARPA) from Vandenberg Air Force Base in California. Launch vehicle successfully launched Falcon into the desired orbit, from where he was planning in the target area. But after 36 minutes after launch, during separation from the rocket plane, the contact with the device was lost.

Falcon was ordered by the Pentagon and a new generation of super-weapon. It has no wings and is remotely controlled. The aircraft is capable of a speed 20 times the speed of sound - 21 thousand km / hr. The road from New York to Los Angeles, usually lasting more than five hours on this machine would take only 12 minutes.

However, for civil purposes it is not going to use. These machines can reach any point on the globe in less than an hour and strike while to locate and destroy them almost impossible. Over time, Falcon can replace the intercontinental ballistic missiles.

The first launch vehicle in April 2010 and was also unsuccessful. The aircraft flew a total of nine minutes, then the connection with him was lost. After that, board computer, follow the safety program and sent the car into the ocean.

Is on developing supersamoleta spent more than $ 300 million. The Pentagon expects that the Falcon will be fully ready for use by 2025. Since DARPA engineers built a prototype, only two employees and a second test flight, too, proved unsuccessful, the project is under threat of closure.