
The country, which is likely to start World War III, announced the readiness to fight

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Several high-ranking representatives of the Iranian authorities have declared readiness of their country for military action against Israel. Thus, the Chief of General Staff of the Armed Forces of Iran said that if Israel decides to attack Iran, for it will answer not only the "Zionist regime", but all of his allies, including the United States.

A similar statement was made and the Foreign Minister of Iran. According to him, Iran is accustomed to the military threat from Israel, because he constantly has to deal with him for the past eight years. However, as it assured the Iranian foreign minister, he represents a country quite capable of defending themselves, as full of confidence, and its population is imbued with the spirit of unity.

Talk of war were heard in Iran after Israel's recent ballistic missile tests, as well as on the background of the news that the Israeli prime minister is lobbying in the parliament the idea of drawing on the territory of Iran "pre-emptive strikes." Thus, Israel is haunted by the Iranian nuclear program. The British media, meanwhile, has released information on which the UK authorities have begun to prepare military operations in Iran. By the way, before the threat of military intervention could be heard from France, which, however, recognized the danger of this undertaking.

(According to the site utro.ru) http://www.directadvert.ru/news/txt/?id=14246&da_id=3304413