9.英国人が語る核兵器開発競争 nuclear arms race

The British told the world about the nuclear arms race

The world has entered a new era of nuclear arms race. This is stated in the report on the prospects of nuclear weapons, released a British research group BASIC (British American Security Information Council). Many of the larger states now engaged in implementing a number of programs to upgrade existing and create new types of nuclear weapons and their means of delivery. In the next ten years for these purposes throughout the world will be spent hundreds of billions of dollars.

The largest competitors in the arms race in the next decade will be the United States and Russia, the total spending that on nuclear weapons and related occupations make up at least 770 billion dollars. In particular, in the next decade the U.S. will spend on nuclear weapons 700 billion. Of this amount, one hundred billion dollars will be spent on maintenance and upgrades to existing delivery vehicles (missiles, aircraft, submarines). An additional 92 billion U.S. dollars are going to spend on maintenance and upgrades of existing nuclear warheads and their production companies.

The U.S. also intends to extend the life of intercontinental ballistic missile Minuteman III and to develop a new ballistic missile, to build 12 new strategic nuclear submarine SSBN (X), the first of which will join the Navy in 2029, to extend the life of bombers B-52H Stratofortress 2035 years to develop a new long-range bomber and begin replacing the existing cruise missiles with nuclear warheads, new in 2025.

In turn, Russia until 2020 to spend on developing their own nuclear triad of at least $ 70 billion. These funds will be used for deployment of new mobile systems RS-24 "Yars" establishment by 2018 of a new intercontinental ballistic missiles with ten nuclear units, re-strategic submarines of Project 667BDRM upgraded missiles "Blue" (probably referring to "Liner" - note "Lenty.ru") and the construction of eight submarines of Project 955 "Borey". In addition, as noted by BASIC, is being designed in Russia strategic nuclear submarine of the fifth generation.

By 2025, Russia adopted a new strategic arise long-range bomber (PAK DA, promising aviation complex long-range aircraft). Since 2013, Russia will double the production of ballistic missiles. In addition, in the next ten years, the Russian armed forces will receive ten teams of nuclear short-range missiles (probably refers to the purchase of tactical systems "Iskander-M", provided the state program of arms 2011-2020 year - note "Lenty.ru") .

Among the other countries involved in the nuclear arms race, BASIC noted, China, India, France, Israel, Pakistan and North Korea. All these states are also involved in the development and production of new nuclear weapons. In particular, China will begin to deploy mobile systems DF-31A, India - ballistic missile Agni-V, and Israel to finalize a new generation of missiles Jericho-III with a range up to 6.5 thousand kilometers.