7.第二の地球を土星の輪に発見 Second Earth found

Second Earth found among the rings of Saturn (07 August 2009, 22:50)

New studies have shown that Titan like Earth than any other object in the solar sisteme.Odin of Saturn's moons interested scientists from the U.S. space agency. New studies have shown that Titan like Earth than any other object in the solar system passes Ytro.ru.Spetsialisty NASA space research data were interplanetary probe Cassini. Photographs taken with one-third of the moon's surface, scientists saw the mountain ranges, sand dunes, lakes and volcanoes of methane, which makes the landscape look like zemnoy.Krome of employees the agency found the water on the surface of Titan, however, only in the form of glaciers. The fact that the satellite is dominated by extremely low temperatures, an average of -180 ° C, so water can not exist here in any state other than solid. In addition to the many glaciers of methane, which falls on the surface together with rain and snow. And the satellite receives only 1% of solar energy on the amount that goes to Zemle.Primechatelno that Saturn - the only one in the entire solar system object, which is like the earth there are pools of liquid. "The biggest concern now is the question of whether Titan's atmosphere to create and maintain the biochemical environment, similar to what was on our planet, when it began to emerge first signs of life," - said Dr. Robert Nelson, who was among a group of scientists in five years studying Titan.A recently explorers made another surprising discovery

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For the first time in the history of observations of the cosmos, astronomers found a planet in another galaxy. More precisely, in the Andromeda galaxy, located 2.5 million light years from Zemli.Sobstvenno speaking, it was found that the celestial body was still in 2004 a team of researchers from Italy, Switzerland, Spain and Russia. But then, scientists have decided that they saw the binary system of stars and gave the event number PA-99-N2. Now, thanks to a new method of observations, astronomers have discovered that this planet

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