3.0 何百もの戦闘機を特色とする米国と韓国の間の未曾有の共同空軍訓練が始まった

US, South Korea launch large-scale air drills amid spiraling nuclear tension

Andrew Cheetham

19 hours ago

'Unprecedented joint air force drills between the US and South Korea, featuring hundreds of warplanes, have kicked off despite dire warnings from Pyongyang and Moscow's calls to avoid new provocations after the recent launch of North Korea's new ICBM.

The Vigilant Ace 18 drills, which Seoul claims are of a purely “defensive nature,” will see hundreds of US and South Korea’s aircraft honing their skills by attacking mock North Korean nuclear and missile objects in different war time scenarios, Yonhap reported, citing South Korea’s defense ministry. They will for the first time feature six F-22 Raptor stealth jets, that arrived to South Korea specifically for the war games along with six F-35As stealth jets.

Part of the US force taking part in the wargames, including a dozen of F-35B stealth jets, will fly from a Japanese airbase, where they have been stationed.

The large-scale maneuvers, reportedly “the largest-ever combined air force drills between the allies” will also involve dozens of other fighter jets on both sides, as well as American B-1B Lancer strategic bombers and carrier-based electronic warfare aircraft.

A total of 12,000 personnel and over 230 military aircraft will be engaged in the drills, that will run to December 8.'






Read more: US, South Korea launch large-scale air drills amid spiraling nuclear tension