




私は実際に思います - 私はこれについて少し楽観的であるかもしれない - あなたが2年以内に、全国からあなたの車に指示を出すことができまる」とムスクは日曜日の記者会見で語りました。




新たな速度制限装置は、住宅地の道路上でオートパイロットを使用している場合のみに速度制限またはわずかに越えることを可能にするものを含めあり。 車はまたコーナーやインジケータが検出されたときに遅くなり。

「より深刻な衝突の可能性がある中央分離帯なしの道路上で、それは制限速度より5マイル/h以上あがらず。 ムスクは付け加えて、モデルSは、高速道路走行中の時、人間の運転よりも、おそらくより良い」だろうと付け加えました


Within two years, all Tesla cars will be able to drive autonomously across the country, company CEO Elon Musk stated.

The company rolled out a new version of its Model S and Model X software, which enables Tesla’s premium automobiles to park in a space perpendicular to the road. Current software allows the vehicles to parallel park and park in a garage.

Owners can also "summon" the car to travel to a location within three miles of the car's initial starting point.

"I actually think – and I might be slightly optimistic on this – within two years you'll be able to summon your car from across the country," Musk said at a press conference on Sunday. "It's more like remote-control parking. But this is the first little step in that direction."

The car is not capable of spotting every object, the company warned, but the system is meant, among other features, to avoid tight parking spots that could prevent a driver from exiting the vehicle.

The update also made safety improvements to the car's self-driving Autopilot feature. After it was rolled out in October, there were a few near-accidents as the operating system and direction-finding software was stretched beyond its limits.

New speed limits are now in place, including those that allow the cars to only drive at or slightly above the speed limit when using the Autopilot on residential roads. The car will also slow for corners and when an indicator is detected.

"On roads without a center divider, where there's potential for a more serious collision, it makes sense not to go more than five miles per hour above the speed limit," Musk said, adding that Model S is "probably better than humans at this point in highway driving."

Musk said he is not aware of any accidents caused by a Tesla driving in Autopilot mode.

Read more: http://sputniknews.com/society/20160112/1032976149/elon-musk-autonomous-tesla-cars.html#ixzz406FJQKxp