
http://www.topnews.ru/photo_id_5816_2.html 16.10.2011 16:44

The twentieth century was particularly rich in mysterious events and mythical figures, and many of these dark spots of history - the supernatural and unexplained incidents - not revealed until now.

January 31 was born the legendary Bulgarian clairvoyant Vanga, received the gift of prophecy, at the age of 12 years after it blew a tornado and blinded.



The giant ocean liner, "unsinkable" "Titanic" struck an iceberg and sank. At the same time killing more than 1,300 people.

In the photo - "Titanic" went to his first and last voyage from Southampton in 1912.



Along the coast of Tierra del Fuego was discovered sailing ship "Marlborough" - the new "Flying Dutchman" - was released from New Zealand in early 1890, but have not called any one port. On the bridge, and premises were found remains of 20 people.



In summer, during the melting of glaciers on Mount Ararat pilot Lt. Roskovitsky and his co-pilot on a reconnaissance aircraft of the Imperial Air Force found the ark on Mt.

55d5c.jpg, 55d5c.jpg


On the night of 16 to 17 July in the Ipatiev House in Yekaterinburg was carried out the execution of the royal family: Nicholas II, Alexandra, their daughters Olga, Tatiana, Maria, Anastasia, and son Alexis.



The most famous Unsolved Mysteries XX CENTURY http://www.topnews.ru/photo_id_5816_3.html

16/10/2011 16:44 Rating 0

The twentieth century was particularly rich in mysterious events and mythical figures, and many of these dark spots of history - the supernatural and unexplained incidents - not revealed until now.

The remains of five members of the royal family and their servants were found only in July 1991. In July 2007, were found the remains of Prince Alexei and Grand Duchess Maria.

On photo - Ipatiev house in Yekaterinburg



Was found ancient Slavic monument - "Veles Book", the authenticity of which is claimed in our time.


Paint on the River (USA) noticed a huge animal with a snake-like neck and large head, resembling a dinosaur relic.

On photo - River Paint (Michigan, USA) today


Near the village of Taung (South Africa) found "Taung child's skull," whose age is estimated at 2.5 million years, and is credited with an extraterrestrial origin.


In a career of a brick factory was found Odintsovo fossilized "human brain". The find dates back to the Paleozoic era (about 300 million years ago), when there were no mammals.

In the photo - "Odintsovo brain" (left) and real brain, a little flattened by analogy


Over the country about Shuknavolok Vedlozero (Karelia) observed ten-span cylindrical body of the tail section which came out the flames. Having broken the ice of the lake, a mysterious object left under water.

On photo - Vedlozero (Karelia, Russia) today

Since then, local residents began to meet on the shores of a strange creature-headed just over a meter tall with thin arms and legs, which appears when people dived into the water.

On photo - Vedlozero (Karelia, Russia) today



The first documented observation of the monster Nessie in Loch Ness.

In the picture - the same shot taken in 1933

To date, observed around 4000 observations and meetings with him. Sonar study of the lake volume in 1992, found five giant lizards.

In the photo - one of the original picture depicting the monster, March 21, 1972

In the picture - another reliable snapshot to which the experts do not have claims in June 1977


In October 1943 the United States in a climate of secrecy in a special destroyer "Aldridge" was held unparalleled in the history of the experiment, "Philadelphia" to create invisible to enemy radar warship.

As a result of a ship around a very strong magnetic field, the ship allegedly disappeared, and then immediately moved into the space of a few tens of kilometers.

From all the crew back unharmed back only 21 people. 27 people are literally fused to the construction of the vessel, 13 had died from burns, radiation, electric shock and fear.


The massive invasion of UFOs in Queensland (Australia).

In the picture - a picture of the same year, but made in Italy


Mysterious disappearance of the leaders of the Third Reich (Mueller, Bormann and others).

On photo - Henry Muller. He was last seen in Hitler's bunker April 27, 1945. The remains found.

On photo - Martin Bormann. The remains were found only in 1972. In 1998, the final examination is satisfied that they really belong Bormann committed suicide May 2, 1945.


In the evening on December 5 in the Bermuda Triangle disappeared 6 aircraft.


In Bridport (Australia) on the beach found a corpse of a giant hairy beast.

On photo - oceanfront Bridport (Australia) today


July 7 Magdalena (New Mexico, USA) crashed on an unknown aircraft. Among the debris were found six corpses of creatures similar to humans.

In the photo - presumably one of the three humanoids who died in the crash of a UFO in Roswell (New Mexico, USA), July 22, 1947


In the photo - the autopsy, presumably, one of three humanoids who died in the crash of a UFO in Roswell (New Mexico, USA), July 22, 1947


On September 8, Base Lake (Ontario, Canada) was seen a "river monster" - "big, blue-black, with two triangular growths on their backs," the animal.

On photo - Fog on Lake Base (Ontario, Canada) today


In Gopkinsville (Kentucky, USA) after the explosion of a UFO was seen for a while a little man with huge glowing eyes.

On photo - pictures of witnesses


An explosion of unknown origin, gryanuvshy underneath the battleship "Novorossiysk" on the night of October 29, 1955, killed 608 sailors and officers.

The huge ship capsized and sank in the North Bay of Sevastopol - in front of thousands of citizens.

In the photo - the battleship after the ascent, the view from the nose



In August, the British air base for fighter aircraft for 20 minutes chasing a UFO, then disappeared into thin air.

In the photo - presumably a UFO. Alberta, Canada. August 27, 1956.


December 14th newspaper "Youth of Yakutia" wrote about a giant monster inhabiting the lake Labynkyr.

On photo - Lake Labynkyr (Oimyakon area of Yakutia, Russia)


During the maneuvers of naval forces off the coast of the U.S. Puerto Rico Seen movable object, who developed an unprecedented speed for a ship - about 280 km / h.

In the photo - the port of Ponce, Puerto Rico


November 22, 1963 in Dallas (Texas), was killed thirty-fifth U.S. President John F. Kennedy. Despite the fact that the murderer Kennedy - Lee Harvey Oswald was arrested a few hours later, still true motives and of the loudest customers murder of the XX century have not been established.


August 29 in the Pacific Ocean on board the research vessel was photographed section of the bottom length of 4200 meters. Above the mud was found on a complex configuration of an object resembling a radio antenna.

In the photo - the Pacific Ocean. View from space.
