

1.アフガニスタンに女性兵士を派遣 The Pentagon has decided to place women in Afghanistan

.宇宙人の来訪 the occurrence of alien visits

3.2013年世界の終了に付いて科学者が警告をならす End of the World "suffered" for 2013!(臭いですね)

4.無茶な状況からカダフィーが友人イタリアに最後の手紙? his last letter to Italy

5.月は希少金属の宝庫 On the moon stayed ... titanium!

.科学者がフリーメーソンの古書を解読 break the mysterious code Masons XVIII

7.第二の地球を土星の輪に発見 Second Earth found among the rings of Saturn

8.違う世界から来た宇宙人 The alien from another world?

9.英国人が語る核兵器開発競争 nuclear arms race

10.気象兵器HAARPの恐怖 The climate impact of the "world behind the scenes"

11.米軍は最速の飛行機Falcon HTV-2を公表 The U.S. military has revealed the fastest aircraft Falcon HTV-2