11.Trump: High-Skilled Immigrants Could Get Path to Citizenship

Trump: High-Skilled Immigrants Could Get Path to Citizenship

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BY: Charles Fain Lehman

January 11, 2019 11:23 am

President Donald Trump tweeted Friday morning that high-skilled immigrants currently in the United States could see major changes to their visa program soon, including a possible path to citizenship.

"H1-B holders in the United States can rest assured that changes are soon coming which will bring both simplicity and certainty to your stay, including a potential path to citizenship. We want to encourage talented and highly skilled people to pursue career options in the U.S.," Trump tweeted.

The H-1B is an employment visa for high-skilled foreign workers, specifically for jobs requiring a bachelor's degree or higher. If obtained, it allows a person to remain in the country for an initial three years, with an option to extent to up to six years. The total number of H-1B visas issued per year is officially capped at 85,000 per year, although as the Washington Free Beacon has previously reported, the actual number is substantially higher.

H-1B holders are currently eligible to apply for and receive lawful permanent resident status, a.k.a. a green card. As such, given that green card holders are eligible for naturalization, H-1B recipients are already able to obtain citizenship—it is unclear if Trump intends to shorten this path.

Although it is not clear what changes Trump has in mind, the Department of Homeland Security is expected to introduce a number of changes to the program, Axios reported. Those will likely include revoking the Obama-era rule which gave work permits for the usually low-skilled spouses of H-1B holders (who are themselves on an H-4 visa), and giving enhanced visa preferences to graduate students.

The Trump administration in general has been thus far less than friendly to H-1B holders, according to Sarah Pierce, a policy analyst at the nonpartisan Migration Policy Institute. This is in no small part because of fears of H-1Bs being used by unscrupulous employers to replace native-born, high-skill workers with immigrants who command a lower wage. For example, an MPI report found that the top twenty H-1B using firms paid immigrant employees $30,000 less on average than their native-born counterparts.

At the same time, the administration has been broadly supportive of a shift to a more skills-based immigration system. The White House has backed the RAISE Act, Sens. Tom Cotton (R., Ark.) and David Perdue's (R., Ga.) proposal to create a points-based, skills-focused immigration system in place of the current, family-preference-emphasized one.

ドナルド トランプ :熟練した移民は市民権への道を得ることができる

BY:チャールズ・フェイン・リーマン 2019年1月11日11:23 am


「米国のH1-B保有者は、市民権への潜在的な道筋を含めて、あなたの滞在に単純さと確実性の両方をもたらすであろう変化が間もなく来ることを安心することができます。 と米国の「トランプはツイッターで言った。

H-1Bは優秀な外国人労働者、特に学士号以上を必要とする仕事のための雇用ビザです。取得された場合、それは人が最初の3年間国内に留まることを可能にします。 1年間に発行されるH-1Bビザの総数は公式に年間85,000で上限が定められていますが、Washington Free Beaconが以前に報告したように、実際の数はかなり多いです。

H-1B保有者は現在、グリーンカードである合法的永住権を申請し、受け取ることができます。このように、グリーンカード所有者が帰化の対象となることを考えると、H-1B受給者はすでに市民権を取得することができます - トランプがこの道を短くするつもりであるかどうかは不明です。



同時に、政権はよりスキルベースの入国管理システムへの移行を広く支持してきた。ホワイトハウスは、現行の家族の代わりにポイントベースでスキル重視の移民制度を創設するというRAISE法、Sens。Tom Cotton(R.、AR)およびDavid Perdue(R.、GA)の提案を支持している。 - 好みを強調したもの。