
Kim Jong-un Offers North Korea’s Hand to South, While Chiding U.S.







金大統領は、「代表団を派遣し、必要な措置を講じるつもりで、北朝鮮と南朝鮮当局が緊急に会談して問題を話し合うことができると信じている」と、金正日大使は毎年の新年の演説で、テレビを実行する。 「南アフリカがオリンピックを成功裏に開催することを心から願っている」

「とりわけ、北朝鮮と南朝鮮の間の急激な軍事緊張を緩和しなければならない」と、金氏は述べた。 「北朝鮮と南朝鮮は、もはや状況を悪化させるようなことをしてはならず、軍事的緊張を緩和し、平和な環境を作り出す努力をしなければならない」



ポーランドでさえ、労働者の賃金は北朝鮮に流入する。 31、2017

韓国は北朝鮮に石油を送ると疑われる船を押収する。 29,217

韓国戦争、現代世界を形作った「忘れられた」葛藤。 2018年1月

北朝鮮の脱出者たちは、可能性のある暴露の兆候を見せている。 27,217

北朝鮮はいつもすぐに軍事実験を止めないだろう、韓国はDECに警告する。 26,217


「これは単なる脅威ではないが、事務所の机の上に核のボタンがあるという現実だ」と彼は語った。 「米国本土はすべて、核攻撃の範囲内にある」と述べた。















孤立した北朝鮮は、核兵器計画で2017年に大きな進歩を遂げた。 9月3日、6回目の最も強力な核実験で水素爆弾と呼ばれるものを爆発させた。また、米国大陸全土に弾頭を配備するのに十分強力なロケットを実証する、3つの大陸間弾道ミサイルを打ち上げた。


SEOUL, South Korea — North Korea’s leader, Kim Jong-un, moved Monday to ease his country’s isolation by offering to send a delegation to the Winter Olympics in South Korea next month,

Mixing the nuclear threat with an overture for easing tensions on the divided Korean Peninsula, Mr. Kim proposed immediate dialogue with South Korea to discuss the North’s participation in the Olympics.

If such talks were held, they would mark the first time the two Koreas have had an official dialogue since the South’s new president, Moon Jae-in, took office in May. Mr. Moon has doggedly championed dialogue with the North, even as President Trump has threatened military action to stop the North’s nuclear weapons program.

“I am willing to send a delegation and take necessary measures, and I believe that the authorities of the North and South can urgently meet to discuss the matter,” Mr. Kim said in his annual New Year’s Day speech, broadcast on North Korea’s state-run television. “We sincerely hope that the South will successfully host the Olympics.”

“Above all, we must ease the acute military tensions between the North and the South,” Mr. Kim said. “The North and the South should no longer do anything that would aggravate the situation, and must exert efforts to ease military tensions and create a peaceful environment.”

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But Mr. Kim also reiterated his country’s achievements with its nuclear weapons program.

“It’s not a mere threat but a reality that I have a nuclear button on the desk in my office,” he said. “All of the mainland United States is within the range of our nuclear strike.”

North Korea made a similar claim on Nov. 29, when it launched an intercontinental ballistic missile, or ICBM, with engines powerful enough to send a warhead to the eastern coast of the United States. But it has yet to demonstrate that its nuclear warhead could survive the re-entry into the Earth’s atmosphere and hit such long-range targets.

Still, Mr. Kim on Monday reiterated that his country had mastered a state nuclear deterrent force, which he said would prevent the Trump administration from starting a war on the Korean Peninsula. He said his government would accelerate the production of nuclear warheads and rockets to launch them.

Assessing North Korea’s nuclear weapons program for the new year, government and private analysts in South Korea have recently said that despite its claim to have achieved its nuclear ambitions, the North is likely to conduct more weapons tests to improve its nuclear and long-range ballistic missile capabilities.

But at the same time, they said North Korea will also seek opportunities to engage in dialogue with South Korea and the United States, hoping to use its nuclear threats as leverage to gain concessions, like the easing of sanctions.

Last year, the United Nations Security Council adopted four sanctions resolutions seeking to deprive North Korea of key sources of hard currency by banning its exports of coal, iron ore and sea products and curtailing the employment of North Korean workers in other countries.

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It also tried to squeeze the North’s fuel supplies by demanding that member nations drastically reduce exports of refined oil to North Korea. While gas prices in the North more than doubled in the past year, analysts said the country could feel more pain this year, depending on how successfully the sanctions are enforced.

South Korea has seized two oil tankers, one with a Hong Kong flag and the other registered in Panama, on the suspicion that they were used to smuggle refined petroleum products into North Korea through ship-to-ship transfers on the high seas, trade that is prohibited by United Nations sanctions.

Mr. Kim’s overture on Monday came after a year in which Mr. Kim and Mr. Trump regularly exchanged personal insults and threats of war. Mr. Kim threatened to launch ballistic missiles around Guam, an American territory in the Western Pacific, while Mr. Trump said he would “totally destroy North Korea.”

Increasingly anxious over possible military conflict, President Moon has repeatedly urged No

Mr. Moon hopes to create a lull in the nuclear standoff during the Olympics and use it as momentum to start talks with North Korea. South Korea is scheduled to host the Winter Olympics in February in Pyeongchang, a mountainous county about 60 miles south of the heavily fortified border with the North.

When North Korea said it completed its nuclear force after its ICBM test in November, some analysts said the North might now be open to stopping its program there and to start negotiating.

In any talks with the United States, North Korea is likely to insist on being recognized as a nuclear weapons state, analysts said. With that status, they said, the North would seek arms-reduction talks in hopes of gaining concessions from Washington, such as easing sanctions and reducing the American military presence around the Korean Peninsula. In return, Pyongyang could offer to freeze or give up its ICBMs while retaining the rest of its nuclear capabilities, analysts said.

But Washington and its allies, South Korea and Japan, say that their goal remains to dismantle the North’s entire nuclear arsenal.

The isolated North made major strides in 2017 in its nuclear weapons program. On Sept. 3, it detonated what it called a hydrogen bomb in its sixth and most powerful nuclear test. It has also launched three intercontinental ballistic missiles, demonstrating rockets powerful enough to deliver warheads to all of the continental United States.

But all three of its ICBM tests took place in the sea between North Korea and Japan. Though the missiles soared to extremely high altitudes, demonstrating their power, they never flew beyond Japan.