
Scientists have explained the occurrence of alien visits (October 27, 06:24 | Vladimir Kazakov)

In the United States conducted(実行) a study which demonstrate that people are never in contact with aliens, and all the stories of abduction (誘拐)by aliens - but memories of a very vivid and realistic dreams, reports LiveScience.com.

Employees of the Los Angeles research center studying the experience of being outside the body, selected 20 volunteers. They were instructed how to dive into REM sleep and during her leave the so-called astral projection, ie the state when the soul for a little while allegedly(申し出によれば) separated from the body. Lead researcher Michael Reduga said that it was more than half of the participants in the experiment, and seven of them were able in this state to communicate with aliens.

One of the volunteers on behalf(代表する) of Alexander said that when he found himself out of the body, it immediately encountered three strangers. "They were more like creatures from the movie" Something "than usual at the pictures of tadpoles(お玉じゃくし) with large eyes. They wanted to talk, the more frightened me, and I quickly came to his own body," - he recalls.

According Redugi, it proves that reports of meetings with the green men - a figment of the imagination. "When people talk about their night abducted(誘拐) by aliens, they do not cheat(騙された). They just do not know they were in REM sleep, and their minds at that time traveled. It's very realistic, and people can not understand that they going on. And this can happen to anyone "- he explained, adding that contacts with representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations(ET) annually(毎年) reported more than one million Americans.

By the way, said something similar, and Russian cosmonauts(宇宙飛行士) at the XXIV Congress of the Planetary Association of astronauts, which took place in early September. Asked by reporters, "Do you believe in aliens?" Cosmonaut Victor Gorbatko said: "During the space flight, I could see is that our planet - a small and very beautiful. No trace of the UFO I discovered. If contact with extraterrestrials is possible, it is only a dream."

Meanwhile, regularly occur not only stories about the existence of UFOs, but real evidence. For example, recently the British, who were filmed in the village in the wilds of the Amazon Mamaus local kids, looking at pictures, found that they were able to capture the essence of humanoid-type, very similar to the classic alien. According to the famous ufologist, a former NASA Michael Cohen, a record that gave him the authors of shooting the real thing. And it is really an alien. And next to it shows some shine.