The Kingdom of God in the parables
It is probably easier for us who live in the United Kingdom, to come to an understanding of the word KINGDOM. The United Kingdom is simply the area of land under the rule of our queen Elizabeth.
Similarly the kingdom of God is to do with God's rule, and when we hear of His kingdom growing it's when more and more people become committed to God and submit to his will.
According to today's gospel, Jesus tells us of the kingdom of God.
First of all from small and insignificant beginnings, the kingdom of God can grow out of out of proportion into something huge, like a small mustard seed becoming a very large tree.
The kingdom of God can also be something which keeps on growing and moving unseen, like yeast working through dough.
It's something we should seek after at all costs, rather like finding treasure or a rare pearl.
The kingdom of God also has an end to it, and at the end there is a separation of the good from the evil, rather like catching fish with a net and sorting out the good from the bad.
The kingdom of God is all of these, but first the seed must be planted in the ground, or it will remain a seed, and the ground will be a wasteland.
First the yeast must be added to the dough, or the bread will be flat and lifeless.
First tools must be put into the soil, or the treasure will remain hidden in the dark earth.
First the eye and mind must be trained to discern the pearl, or it will be passed over and the opportunity lost.
And of course before any fish can be caught at all the net must go out.
It's the job of every Christian.
We are all God's fellow workers, his witnesses, his agents.
Who else will plant God's word, spread the message, pass on good news to those who haven't heard it, if we don't.
In Paul's letter to the Romans it says,
"How can they call on one they have not believed in?
And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard?
And how they hear without someone preaching to them?
During the Second World War, on a night of heavy bombing, a church was hit. In the morning, when the priest struggled out of the shelter, he found the church and most of the street around it reduced to rubble. He picked his way through the ruins of the church, looking for anything he could save. All he discovered was the figure from a large crucifix. The cross was nowhere to be seen and the figure itself had no hands or feet. The priest kept it carefully and years later, when the church was rebuilt, he brought out the broken figure.
' We must find someone to restore the hands and the feet', someone suggested, and the matter was discussed by a committee. It was decided not to replace the hands and feet, but to leave them off as a reminder that Christ has no hands and feet but ours in this world.
The figure was set up in church, and below it were the words of S Theresa of Avila…
Christ has no body on earth now but ours:
Ours are the eyes through which Christ's compassion is to look upon the world. Ours are the feet on which he is to go about doing good.
Ours are the hands with which he is to bless others now.
Can you imagine if our world had never been lit with the light of Christ, and there had been no Christian influence whatsoever. I shudder to think what it would be like.
Our response, our willingness to be used now, today, is so important.
Attendance in churches is at an all time low. Missionaries are coming from other nations to preach to us. The church is failing to do its job as witnesses. There is much to be done that's not getting done.
Is it apathy, complacency, love for riches and pleasure, energy spent up and weariness? Perhaps these are the more obvious reasons, but is it not true that we're afraid.
Is it not true that at the heart of us all there is a deep fear of failure, of rejection, of worthlessness?
Life may have dealt us a cruel blow and we see ourselves as victims of circumstance. We tell ourselves we're useless to God, damaged individuals, imperfect equipment for God to use.
People who think like this are the very ones God does want to use.
Look at Jacob in our Old Testament reading; life dealt him a blow. He loved Rachel passionately, but he was cheated into marrying her older sister. He had worked seven years for her.
But he didn't give up; he didn’t call it a day; and he was rewarded. He was given Rachel too. God used that disaster to bring twelve sons to Jacob, and from them came the twelve tribes to Israel.
God can take our disasters and use them.
Then there is the fear of what others will say if we share our faith .
Someone wrote to me recently, who has been healed from the hold that alcohol had over her, but she said I can't tell anyone else; they'll see me as a weak-willed individual, a flop, and I would feel ashamed to admit that I had had a problem.
When God comes alongside us in our weaknesses, it encourages others in their struggles.
It could be said that Jacob saw himself as a failure when he first reached Laban's house. All he possessed were the clothes he stood up in; he had no money; he was a man on the run from a brother who wanted to kill him, but God had plans for Jacob, wonderful plans. It just took time for Jacob to see that. God has plans for us!
Another reason that holds us back from serving God, is that we like to lean on others we see as stronger than we are. We look to them instead of God. I've done it myself. I used to be in a large music outreach group, and my heart used to sink whenever we had to witness and didn't have our main guitarist with us. I didn't feel confident as a guitarist without him. We look to others don't we for our strength and support, when God wants to be our strength alone. We convince ourselves that God uses only talented and important people, that we are too insignificant; and that's a lie the devil would have us believe.
Even though Jacob had had God reassurance of his guidance in a vision like dream, it was years before he became free of his dependence on Laban.
I've heard it said that one person plus God, is in the majority in any situation. God is sufficient to supply all our needs; if God is for us , who can be against us?
We need to pray for more of Christ's love; for it is said, that this is what will cast out our fear.
In my time at this church during the last five years, I've seen many signs of hope for the future outreach in this community, which is about to expand. It's an exciting time in Longbenton with its plans for regeneration!
We just have to stand at the door of this church and look out to see a wasteland of sorts, weeds and rubble…yet plans are at hand to transform that area. The architects have had the vision.
We only have to turn and look in from those same doors and together catch the vision of the seeds that could be planted.
There are many ways to spread the good news; we don't all have to be street preachers, like those in Eldon Square. but as we see in this parable there are many different ways in which the kingdom can grow; and there are many ways in which we can share our faith with others. There are many gifted folk here, with a very caring and gifted leader now alongside them.
In my short time here in this church, (five years)… I've noticed people who've watched out for those who've been ill and have visited them, (even though they've not been all that strong themselves). I've seen people who have stood shoulder to shoulder in Lent Easter and Christmas projects; young folk who've organised services themselves, there've been those who've opened their homes, provided food, given money to those in need and been so generous in gift offerings. I've watched people give of their time and effort and artistic skills; and I've been one of the people at the receiving end of their love and care and encouragement, especially when I first came to this church, and was feeling pretty low myself. I've loved being here.
How much more has this church achieved in those years since this church was built?
We all come before God today with all our weaknesses and fears… and remember God can use them. We can all move forward and pray for a future full of blessings and opportunities, that God will use his people here in a variety of ways, as in today's parable.
Let's look at the covenant prayer in the service sheet, and say it together renewing our commitment to God this day…