Mario Assembly: Galaxy 2

(Ask for a volunteer to be Mario, a computer figure (teacher or pupil?) I’m working the controls and this volunteer must pretend to be Mario! Real costumes can be obtained these days. Each obstacle 'visual aid 'is in a semi-circle in front of him. He faces away from his audience and runs and listen as to which obstacle he must interact with)


Watch closely everyone!

I have a lesson to teach you using myWii; Mario: Galaxy 2!  SUPERMASSIVE (Work controls.)

LEVEL ONE: I’ve never played this before!

I turn on my computer and I start the game. They tell me this level is easy, they say it’s all about learning and growing and moving on;  but I’m still a little nervous.

Oooh I discover a little character called Mario on my screen. Look at him (Mario jumps up) He’s running, jumping, climbing, spinning, landing, going up and down, up and down, ice skating, long jumping, flying whatever he fancies doing. Look at him go!

I find it quite hard at first to guide Mario, but I learn quite quickly how to work the controls. I keep trying and build up my skills. I get points, I enjoy being rewarded, I enjoy success. Yes!

Watch out for the Goobers! (Sound horn) (PAUSE as the game is lost)



SECOND LEVEL:  I am much better at this game now!

I’m going to really try . I set it up! Off I go. Off Mario goes!

What on earth will I have to do now in level 2? Will I be able to do it? It’s a little harder now.

Oh dear, that’s it. I’m not afraid of the Goobers now! They don’t fool me anymore!

My skills are improving. . .  . . Stars, I’ll catch them…watch out for that coin!

Look at me go, I’m flying. Jump over the soil . . . PIRHANA PLANTS! HELP! THEY’RE EATING ME UP! (aaah ahh .sound horn) PAUSE

I won’t let that happen again!



LEVEL THREE: Mam and dad say I’m only allowed on my game for half an hour and I’m very sad about that; cos I’m really skilful now! They say I mustn’t take the game so seriously; get out play with my friends and have fun. I suppose they’re right.

You should see me now! Off - you -go –Ma-rio!

Goobers, YES!  Stars YES!  Coins YES!  Pirhana Plants YES! 


HERE COMES THE BOWSER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (SPLAT! Sound horn again))

(sits and sulks)

I’ll do it next time. I won’t give up! 

Off I go again. I’m actually learning from my mistakes!

 I am not a failure! My friends get it wrong too!

I’ll better my own score! Victory might be just around the corner.

Goobers, YES!  Stars YES!  A Coin YES!  Pirhana Plants YES Stars Yes! 

Turtles! YES A flag! YES

When I shake the controls this happens! Watch out for Flying goobers!  Starbits!


GOLDEN STAR!!!!!!!!!! (Turn to audience:)

But now what next? Will I be able to go on to the next level?

I could just stay and play on this one every time; but no that would get too dull.

If I want to learn and grow, I must move on.

And anyway, that’s what I find exciting, so I’ll look forward to more of the same..




Learning and growing and moving on; school is like that too.


When new children first come to school to learn they must be a little nervous too; but by the end of the year they’ve become more confident. They begin to learn, they learn the hard way about obstacles and challenges.


As time goes by they’re braver, they’re familiar with everything;

They’ve begun to look forward to learning more; doing new challenges, trying new things out. They’re told , “Keep trying, don’t give up!” Mams and dads, and teachers support us and give us good advice about work and play.


As we get higher up in school we’re beginning to feel brave, we’re ready for anything that comes our way. We’ve learned not to sulk, not to be floored with disappointments. We know what it’s like to really achieve something good. We’re learning THROUGH our mistakes. And we realise other people get things wrong too, we’re not alone. LIFE IS SO LIKE THE MARIO GAME.


But then comes that moment when we must move on to an even higher level; and again we might feel a little uneasy just like we once did, when we first came to school; but we must move on, we simply can’t stay where we are. 

Life becomes one big challenge but its’ exciting.


I hope the older ones feel that way about going to their new school, and we wish them well !


The one difference between Mario and us, is that he himself is not in control. THE CONTROLLER IS! WE on the other hand, have choices to make.

We are free to make choices for the good or for the bad.

Christians believe that God is not a controller, but someone whose rules have been set out for us to live by, to keep us safe and happy and excited about life.

It’s up to us to keep to learn what is good and right as we journey on, and to live our lives by it.