When You Were A Child
Lyrics and chords
10 When you were a child (Hosea 11.1-4)
God’s forgiveness never ends, is never exhausted.
When you were a child I loved you.
G A7
When you were a child I called your name.
Taught you how to walk and caught you,
G A7
wrapped you in my arms and held you safe.
D A7
Yet you didn’t understand it was me,
D A7 D
looking after you. It was me looking after you.
I led you with reins of kindness,
G A7
Guided you with leading strings of love.
Raised you to my cheek and held you,
G A7
Stooping down to you I gave you food.
D A7
Yet you walked away from me, and I knew
D A7 D
you didn’t understand how I felt, when you turned away from me.
A7 Bm
Yet I will love you still my child,
my heart will never change.
Compassion floods my soul. . .
and my anger dies away.
When you were a child I loved you.
G A7
When you were a child I called your name.
Taught you how to walk and caught you,
G A7
wrapped you in my arms and held you safe.
D A7
Yet you didn’t understand it was me,
D A7 D
looking after you. It was me looking after you.
Paraphrase from ‘The Smile of Love’ Joyce Huggett, page 105 Hodder &Stoughton.
Music©1995 Sheila Hamil