Please contact if you are interested in purchasing the artwork below.
This is the only page on my website where resources are not free and not available for downloading.
All proceeds from any sales will be given to charities home and abroad.
Behold I stand at the door and knock
Revelation 3.20
June 2003
Road to Emmaus
Luke 24.13-16
Nov 2008
I Am The Gate
John 10.9
August 2003
Crucifixion in Yellow
John 3.16
Aug 2004
Pilgrim's Way, Holy Island
Isaiah 20.31 & Joshua 1.7
September 2010
He Leads Me By Still Waters
Psalm 23.2-3
August 2003
Storm on the Lake
Matthew 8.26b
February 2011
Rising Sun Colliery Wallsend
Genesis 3.19
(A sketch I did when I was 18 and known as Sheila Appleby)
April 1 969
Last Supper
(from sculpture by Colin Wilbourn)
Luke 22.11b-12
February 2011
Monks Carrying the Body of St Cuthbert (from the sculpture 'The Journey' by Dr Fenwick Lawson)
St Mary's Holy Island
February 2011
Psalm 80. 7-15
October 2012
Streams of Living Water
John 4.14
March 2011
Peruvian Boy
John 21.15
February 2011
Mother and Child
Luke 1. 42
August 2009
Sarah: Worth Far More Than Rubies
Proverbs 31.10-31
August 2010?
St Francis and the Birds.
June 2014
Olympic Collection
Philippians 3. 13-14
July 2012